Manuel sur le traitement et l'emballage des produits alimentaires congelés.

Handbook of frozen food processing and packaging.

Auteurs : SUN D. W.

Type de monographie : Ouvrage, Guide/Manuel


This handbook provides information on the art and science of correctly handling and containing frozen foods. It discusses quality and safety issues for each frozen food category in individual chapters and examines freezing and packaging equipment, transportation methods and facilities and cold chain monitoring techniques. It offers in-depth consideration of recent alternatives and potential technologies and it provides a complete list of references for further study. Extract from the table of contents: fundamentals of freezing (overview of refrigeration cycles; microbiology of frozen foods; thermophysical properties of frozen foods; freezing loads and freezing time calculation; innovations in the freezing process); facilities for the cold chain (freezing methods and equipment; cold store design and maintenance; transportation of frozen foods; retail display equipment and management; household refrigerators and freezers; monitoring and control of the cold chain); quality and safety of frozen foods (meat and meat products; poultry and poultry products; fish and related products; vegetables; fruits; dairy products; ready meals; bakery products; eggs and egg products); monitoring and measuring techniques for quality and safety (physical and chemical measurements; sensory analysis of frozen foods; foodborne illnesses and detection of pathogenic microorganisms; shelf-life prediction of frozen foods); packaging of frozen foods (plastic packaging; paper and card packaging; packaging of frozen foods with other materials; packaging machinery; future developments in frozen food packaging).


  • Titre original : Handbook of frozen food processing and packaging.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2007-2373
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Technologie
  • Édition : Taylor & francis, crc press - Etats-unis/Etats-unis/Royaume-uni/Royaume-uni
  • Date d'édition : 2006
  • ISBN : 157444607X
  • Source : Source : 760 p. (16.3 x 26); fig.; tabl.; ref.; index; USD 199.95 (GBP 120).
  • Document disponible en consultation à la bibliothèque du siège de l'IIF uniquement.