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Technological options for retail refrigeration (PDF version).

Author(s) : FOSTER A., HAMMOND E., BROWN T., et al.

Type of monograph: Book


A large number of technologies are available to reduce the carbon footprint of retail refrigeration systems. These can either save carbon through reducing energy usage (indirect effects) and/or through reducing refrigerant leakage (direct effects). The work carried out in this publication covers available carbon saving technologies and evaluates their potential in supermarket refrigeration systems. The aim of the work was to review and assess each technology from published information and to provide the reader with an unbiased view on the potential use and benefits of each technology. In many cases, varied benefits were observed for the technologies which greatly depended on the specific method of application. Also, the evidence presented by authors of the documents reviewed varied in their depth and level of robustness. In all cases, the authors have attempted to provide a balanced overview of each technology and to quantify evidence of the level of savings that can be achieved.

Available documents

Format PDF

Pages: 283


  • Public price

    50 €

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    37,50 €

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  • Original title: Technological options for retail refrigeration (PDF version).
  • Record ID : 30025247
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: HFCs alternatives
  • Publication: Iif-iir - France/France
  • Publication date: 2018
  • ISBN: 9782362150296
  • Notes:

    This PDF version is recommanded for computer reading and for printing for personal use. An ePub version is available following the link below to read the ebook on electronic devices such as smartphones or tablets.
