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  • Recommended by the IIR

    Eco friendly operation and maintenance of supermarkets.

    • Author(s) : SUPERSMART
    • Publication date: 2019
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Supermarket, Maintenance, Ecology
    • Formats : PDF
  • Recommended by the IIR

    How to build a new eco-friendly supermarket.

    • Author(s) : SUPERSMART
    • Publication date: 2019
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Supermarket, Energy saving
    • Formats : PDF
  • Recommended by the IIR / IIR document

    Thematic file: Integrated CO2 solutions for supermarkets.

    • Author(s) : HAFNER A., NEKSÅ P.
    • Publication date: 2018/06/18
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : CO2, R744, Supermarket, Commercial application
    • Formats : PowerPoint
  • IIR document

    Integrated CO2 solutions for supermarkets.

    • Author(s) : HAFNER A., NEKSÅ P.
    • Publication date: 2018/06/18
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Commercial application, R744, Review, Supermarket, Energy saving, CO2
    • Source: 13th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants (GL2018). Proceedings. Valencia, Spain, June 18-20th 2018.
    • Formats : PDF
  • Supermercati ad alta efficienza.

    High-efficiency supermarkets.

    • Author(s) : FERRARESE T., BAGARELLA G.
    • Publication date: 2013
    • Languages : Italian
    • Keywords : TEWI, Supermarket, Model, Energy saving, Refrigerant charge
    • Source: Industria & Formazione - vol. 37 - n. 370
    • Formats : PDF
  • IIR document

    Failures of refrigeration systems in supermarkets.

    • Author(s) : LARSSON K., ROLFSMAN L.
    • Publication date: 2013/04/02
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Refrigerating system, Economy, Temperature, Monitoring, Supermarket, Failure, Survey, Compressor
    • Source: 2nd IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain. Proceedings: Paris, France, April 2-4, 2013.
    • Formats : PDF
  • IIR document

    Integrated CO2 solutions for supermarkets.

    • Author(s) : HAFNER A., NEKSÅ P.
    • Publication date: 2018/06/18
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Technology, Commercial application, R744, Review, Supermarket, Energy saving, CO2
    • Source: 13th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants (GL2018). Proceedings. Valencia, Spain, June 18-20th 2018.
    • Formats : PDF
  • IIR document

    Performance indicators for energy efficient supermarket buildings.

    • Author(s) : SLUIS S. van der, LINDBERG U., LANE A-L., et al.
    • Publication date: 2015/08/16
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Building, Cooling, Supermarket, Performance, Netherlands, Energy efficiency, Heating
    • Source: Proceedings of the 24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Yokohama, Japan, August 16-22, 2015.
    • Formats : PDF
  • Transcritical CO2 supermarket refrigeration.

    • Author(s) : WEBER C., HORNING H.
    • Publication date: 2015/10
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Refrigerating system, R744, Supermarket, Case study, USA, Energy efficiency, Transcritical cycle, Refrigerant, CO2, Climate
    • Source: ASHRAE Journal - vol. 57 - n. 10
  • Supermarket energy use in the UK

    • Publication date: 2019/03
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Supermarket, Energy consumption, United Kingdom, Modelling
    • Source: Energy Procedia - vol. 161
    • Formats : PDF
  • Recommended by the IIR

    Eco-friendly supermarkets - an overview.

    • Author(s) : SUPERSMART
    • Publication date: 2019
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Supermarket, Display cabinet, Energy saving, Europe, Case study
    • Formats : PDF
  • IIR document

    Eco-efficiency comparison of supermarket architectures.

    • Author(s) : ACHAICHIA N., WISNIK P., KEBBY R.
    • Publication date: 2018/09
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Commercial application, Architecture, Supermarket, Simulation, HFO, Environment, Energy efficiency, Cost
    • Source: 1st IIR international conference on the application of HFO refrigerants, Birmingham, September 2-5 2018.
    • Formats : PDF
  • IIR document

    Eco-efficiency comparison of supermarket architectures.

    • Author(s) : ACHAICHIA N., WISNIK P., KEBBY R.
    • Publication date: 2018/09
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Commercial application, Architecture, Supermarket, Simulation, HFO, Environment, Energy efficiency, Cost
    • Source: 1st IIR international conference on the application of HFO refrigerants, Birmingham, September 2-5 2018.
    • Formats : PDF
  • IIR document

    Plant-wide dynamic and static optimisation of supermarket refrigeration systems.

    • Author(s) : GREEN T., IZADI-ZAMANABADI R., RAZAVI-FAR R., et al.
    • Publication date: 2014/02
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Refrigerating system, Supermarket, Performance, Optimization, Control (generic)
    • Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 38
    • Formats : PDF
  • IIR document

    Carbon reduction opportunities for supermarkets.

    • Author(s) : EVANS J. A., MAIDMENT G. G., BROWN T., et al.
    • Publication date: 2016/04/07
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Technology, Energy consumption, Reduction, Supermarket, Modelling, Carbon footprint, Leakage
    • Source: 4th IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain. Proceedings: Auckland, New Zealand, April 7-9, 2016.
    • Formats : PDF
  • CO2 Supermarkets

    The journal Die Kälte und Klimatechnik has just produced an article on the opening of a supermarket using refrigeration installations for the first time running on direct expansion CO2 with both medium and low temperatures in Wettingen,...

    • Publication date : 2005/10/26
  • CO2 supermarkets: Tesco

    Designed as Tesco's first zero-carbon store, the new store at Ramsey, Cambridgeshire, UK, is completely HFC-free. The supermarket is hence using natural refrigerants CO2 and hydrocarbons throughout its refrigerators, freezers, heating, ventilation...

    • Publication date : 2010/05/27
  • CO2 supermarkets: CAREL

    CAREL and the French hypermarket chain Carrefour have joined forces to develop the first subcritical CO2 plant in a supermarket in Turkey. The Istanbul installation uses a cascade system that supplies the low-temperature units with R744. To...

    • Publication date : 2010/05/27
  • CO2 supermarkets: Sainsbury’s

    Sainsbury's has doubled the size of its supermarket in Durham, UK, and has cut energy consumption by 10%. The store will be "carbon negative" thanks to a number or technologies including ground-breaking CO2 refrigeration technology and on-site...

    • Publication date : 2010/05/27
  • Supermarket news

    Tesco ( Thailand ) has almost completed a 5-year £18-million programme to replace all CFCs and HCFCs used in its stores and is replacing refrigerating equipment with highly energy-efficient systems. Energy consumption has dropped 30%, this being...

    • Publication date : 2005/06/14
  • Briefs: US supermarkets: CO2 gains ground

    Being already largely used in Europe, CO2 refrigeration systems might see important development in North American supermarkets. The medium-size retail chain Price Chopper Supermarkets has installed a cascade system using CO2 in the low-temperature...

    • Publication date : 2008/08/12
  • French supermarkets turn to ice slurries

    - Carrefour 's Collégien, France, hypermarket is using indirect refrigeration for over 6100 m 2 out of a total 15 000 m 2 surface area: CO 2 (in a 4-loop system) for temperatures below 0°C (refrigerating capacity: 232 kW) and ice slurries...

    • Publication date : 2005/02/11
  • Briefs: Britain’s greenest supermarket?

    Tesco has opened its flagship environmental store in Wick in northern Scotland. The 4600 m2 store is expected to produce 50% less carbon emissions than a conventional supermarket of comparable size. Besides using wind turbines, solar cells and...

    • Publication date : 2007/02/12
  • Briefs: UK supermarkets get poor HFC marks

    The Environmental Investigation Agency recently published a survey revealing that UK supermarkets failed to meet their 2007 promises to replace HFCs in their retail refrigeration systems, as only 14 out of over 6000 supermarkets had switched to...

    • Publication date : 2009/05/18
  • CO2 is gaining ground in North-American supermarkets

    In Canada, according to the shecco “GUIDE 2013: Natural Refrigerants - Market Growth for North America,”over 65 food-retail stores use or have made a purchase order for CO2 secondary, cascade, or transcritical refrigeration systems. CO2 is also...

    • Publication date : 2013/08/26
  • 239 UK supermarkets are now using natural refrigerants

    In its Chilling Facts latest report, the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) has found that, in UK, 239 stores are now using natural refrigerants – mainly CO2 and hydrocarbons – up from 46 last year and 14 three years ago. EIA surveyed...

    • Publication date : 2011/08/16
  • ICR2011 highlights: a refrigeration road map for supermarkets

    A road map developed by a team from London South Bank University, Faculty of Engineering, Science and the Built Environment introduces the main saving opportunities for refrigeration in the retail sector

    • Publication date : 2011/12/13
  • High efficiency, low carbon supermarket refrigeration

    This paper was presented at the IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference in Glasgow (Sep. 2004). A new but simple high efficiency refrigeration system design suitable for use in supermarkets has been developed based on standard components so that...

    • Publication date : 2004/11/24
  • Minimizing emissions in 3 Australian supermarkets by using R-290

    AIRAH (Australian Institute for Refrigeration Air-conditioning and Heating) has published a case study on 3 Aldi supermarkets in Australia that are minimizing greenhouse gas emissions by using R-290 (propane) chest freezers in their retail frozen...

    • Publication date : 2011/06/15
  • Briefs: Swiss supermarket chain COOP chooses CO2

    COOP has implemented CO2 as refrigerant of choice for low-and medium-temperature applications and aims at becoming CO2 neutral by 2023. The first supermarket has been equipped with a CO2 booster system engineered by Frigo-Consulting AG. A central...

    • Publication date : 2009/12/09