Evaluation of system options and refrigerants for supermarkets.
Number: pap. B-3
Author(s) : WINANDY E., HUNDY G.
A theoretical study has been made in order to compare various system types and refrigerants when applied to a typical supermarket refrigeration load. Annual power consumption, lifetime CO2 emissions and investment costs have been compared for a total 14 cases comprising five system types. Realistic operating condition assumptions have been made for Northern and Southern Europe. Data from compressor manufacturers’ software has been used as the basis for the analysis, together with common typical superheat and subcooling conditions. The analysis shows that a transcritical R744 system, with the same annual power consumption as a current practice centralised semi-hermetic R404A system can deliver best TEWI in Northern Europe, but has highest cost, whilst R407A direct expansion system types can deliver very good results and in Southern Europe they can out-perform R744.
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Pages: 8 p.
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- Original title: Evaluation of system options and refrigerants for supermarkets.
- Record ID : 30004490
- Languages: English
- Subject: HFCs alternatives
- Source: CYTEF 2012. VI Congreso Ibérico y IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Ciencias y Técnicas del Frío, Madrid, España, 22-24 de febrero, 2012.
- Publication date: 2012/02/22
See other articles from the proceedings (76)
See the conference proceedings
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- Formats : PDF
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- Formats : PDF
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- Date : 2010/11
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- Source: www.epeeglobal.org - 5 p.; fig.; tabl.
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- Date : 2010/09
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- Source: www.epeeglobal.org - 5 p.; fig.; tabl.
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