Recommandé par l'IIF / Document IIF

Méthodologie pour l'estimation de la croissance du givre dans les évaporateurs à tubes ailetés et utilisation potentielle dans l'optimisation du temps de dégivrage.

Methodology for frost growth estimation in fin and tube evaporators and the potential use in the optimization of defrost time.


One of the factors with a higher impact on the evaporator’s performance in air source heat pumps (ASHP) is frost formation and growth due to its adverse effects in reducing the airflow and increasing the air-side thermal resistance. This results in a degradation in evaporation temperature, affecting the whole system’s performance. So, estimating the frost formation and its effects is critical in the evaporator design process.
First, monitoring of the frost growth process has been recorded and some magnitudes like the blockage ratio and the amount of water condensate were registered under several working air conditions. These were compared with a theoretical frost growth and densification model. Finally, the influence of fin pitch and the tube separation on the frost growth have been evaluated showing that the model can be a very effective tool for designing evaporators under different frost conditions.

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Pages : 10 p.


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  • Titre original : Methodology for frost growth estimation in fin and tube evaporators and the potential use in the optimization of defrost time.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30031750
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Technologie
  • Source : Proceedings of the 26th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Paris , France, August 21-25, 2023.
  • Date d'édition : 21/08/2023
  • DOI :


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