Guide 5: site guidance topics. Reducing heat loads, reducing head pressure, improving part load performance, reducing power consumed by pumps and fans.
Author(s) : Carbon Trust, FDF
Type of monograph: Report, Guide/Handbook
This guide is one of a series of eight being produced under the Food & Drink Industry Refrigeration Efficiency Initiative, a project sponsored by the Carbon Trust and supported by the Food and Drink Federation, the British Beer and Pub Association, the Cold Storage and Distribution Federation, Dairy UK and the Institute of Refrigeration (see also this Bulletin, references 2009-1831, 1833, 1834 and 1860). It contains practical advice about how to improve the efficiency of industrial refrigeration systems used in the food and drink industry. In the guide, four topics are reported to provide guidance to food and drink manufacturing companies to help improve energy efficiency. 30 manufacturing sites acted as "host sites". Refrigeration specialists visited each of the sites and carried out an energy efficiency assessment related to the four topics selected (reducing heat loads; reducing head pressure; improving part load performance; and reducing power consumed by pumps and fans). This document brings together the "common themes" from the site investigations and explains numerous energy saving opportunities. The guide can be downloaded from:
- Original title: Guide 5: site guidance topics. Reducing heat loads, reducing head pressure, improving part load performance, reducing power consumed by pumps and fans.
- Record ID : 2009-1840
- Languages: English
- Publication: Carbon trust - United kingdom/United kingdom
- Publication date: 2007/07
- Collection:
- Source: Source: n. 5; 35 p.; fig.; photogr.; tabl.; append.
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
- See also: Carbon Trust Networks Project: Food & Drink Industry Refrigeration Efficiency Initiative. Guide 2: purchase of efficient refrigeration plant.
Guide 3 : operational efficiency improvements for refrigeration systems.
Guide 1: appointing and managing refrigeration contractors.
Guide 4: R22 phase out and F-gas regulations.
Refrigeration and perishable products: general information;
Cold stores : design, construction, insulation and equipment;
Cold chain, interfaces;
Energy efficiency, energy savings - Keywords: United Kingdom; Heat balance; Food industry; Cold chain; Manufacturer; Recommendation; Performance; Guide; Cold store; Cold storage; Energy efficiency; Energy saving
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