Guide 3 : operational efficiency improvements for refrigeration systems.
Author(s) : Carbon Trust, FDF
Type of monograph: Guide/Handbook, Booklet
This guide is one of a series of eight being produced under the Food & Drink Industry Refrigeration Efficiency Initiative, a project sponsored by the Carbon Trust and supported by the Food and Drink Federation, the British Beer and Pub Association, the Cold Storage and Distribution Federation, Dairy UK and the Institute of Refrigeration (see also this Bulletin, references 2009-1831, 1834, 1840 and 1860). It provides advice about how to measure performance and how to make a refrigeration plant run as efficiently as possible. The guide can be downloaded from:
- Original title: Guide 3 : operational efficiency improvements for refrigeration systems.
- Record ID : 2009-1833
- Languages: English
- Publication: Carbon trust - United kingdom/United kingdom
- Publication date: 2007/01
- Collection:
- Source: Source: n. 3; 22 p.; fig.; tabl.; append.
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
- See also: Carbon Trust Networks Project: Food & Drink Industry Refrigeration Efficiency Initiative. Guide 2: purchase of efficient refrigeration plant.
Guide 1: appointing and managing refrigeration contractors.
Guide 5: site guidance topics. Reducing heat loads, reducing head pressure, improving part load performance, reducing power consumed by pumps and fans.
Guide 4: R22 phase out and F-gas regulations.
Refrigerant circulation: piping, control, automation, safety;
Energy efficiency, energy savings - Keywords: Refrigerating system; Operation; Heat balance; Food industry; Comparison; Measurement; Control (automatic); Automatic operation; Performance; Failure; Refrigerating plant; Guide; Cold store; Energy efficiency; COP; Compressor; Component
Aide-mémoire. Formulaire du froid.
- Author(s) : RAPIN P., JACQUARD P.
- Date : 2010
- Languages : French
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Guide 1: appointing and managing refrigeration ...
- Author(s) : Carbon Trust, FDF
- Date : 2007/07
- Languages : English
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Compressor handbook: principles and practice.
- Author(s) : GIAMPAOLO T.
- Date : 2010/07
- Languages : English
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La pratique du froid : 100 fiches pratiques. Le...
- Author(s) : JACQUARD P., SANDRE S.
- Date : 2000
- Languages : French
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Precision and security with refrigeration syste...
- Author(s) : KISEL D.
- Date : 2009/09/02
- Languages : English
- Source: Compressors 2009: 7th International Conference on Compressors and Coolants
- Formats : PDF
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