Evaluation scientifique de la destruction de l'ozone : 2010. Résumé court.

Scientific assessment of ozone depletion: 2010. Executive summary.

Auteurs : WMO, ONU Environnement (ex-PNUE)

Type de monographie : Rapport


This document highlights Montreal Protocol contributions toward reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. It also assesses that EESC (equivalent effective stratospheric chlorine) at midlatitudes is projected to return to 1980 levels in 2046 for the baseline scenario, 2-3 years earlier than projected in the previous 2006 Assessment; this revision is primarily due to an improved understanding of lower stratospheric chlorine and bromine release from ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) along with contributions from smaller HCFC emissions. Moreover, the sum of the HFCs currently used as ODS replacements contributes about 0.4 gigatonne of CO2-equivalent per year to total global CO2-equivalent emissions, while the HCFCs contribute about 0.7 gigatonne. CO2-equivalent emissions of HFCs are increasing by about 8% per year and this rate is expected to continue to grow, while the contribution from HCFCs is expected to start decreasing in the next decade. Extract from the table of contents: changes in gases that affect stratospheric ozone and climate (CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs, and climate change); ozone and climate: Antarctic, global and Arctic; information for policymakers and options for policy formulation. In the appendices: scientific summaries of the chapters. The document can be downloaded from: http://ozone.unep.org/Assessment_Panels/SAP/ExecutiveSummary_SAP_2010.pdf.


  • Titre original : Scientific assessment of ozone depletion: 2010. Executive summary.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2010-1348
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Réglementation, Environnement, Généralités, Alternatives aux HFC
  • Édition : Unep (united nations environment programme), ozone secretariat - Kenya/Kenya
  • Date d'édition : 2010
  • Source : Source : 34 p.; fig.; tabl.; append.