Conférences de Purdue 2016. 23e Conférence internationale sur les compresseurs à Purdue.

2016 Purdue Conferences. 23rd International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue.

Date : 2016.07.11 / 2016.07.14

Lieu : West Lafayette, IN, Etats-Unis


The 23rd International Compressor Engineering Conference is one of 3 Purdue Conferences presented on the same CD-ROM, held at Purdue, West Lafayette (Indiana), USA. 123 papers were presented on specific compressor technologies such as reciprocating, rotary, scroll, screw, centrifugal, linear and novel compressors. In addition, there have been sessions that covered issues and present modeling and evaluation tools related to compressor design and reliability, such as noise control, vibration, gas pulsations, materials, lubrication, wear, and valves. The two other Purdue Conferences presented on the CD-ROM are: the 16th International Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Conference (275 papers), and the 4th International High Performance Buildings Conference (80 papers).

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  • Titre original : 2016 Purdue Conferences. 23rd International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue.
  • Organisateur : Purdue University, GROLL E. A. (ed.), HORTON W. T. (ed.)
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30018557
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Nombre de communications : 123
  • Édition : Purdue university - Etats-unis/Etats-unis
  • Numéro dans la série : 23
  • Type de conférence : Conférence patronnée par l'IIF


Voir les communications (123)
Voir la conférence