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From past to present: a net-zero framework with various hurdles and opportunities for RACHP.

Number: 1160

Author(s) : KUIJPERS L. J. M.


The paper starts by outlining the intriguing story of climate change as it continues. Developments during the last 50 years towards environmental sustainability will be described, including the production of global warming chemicals and related greenhouse gas emissions. It will deal with a wide variety of policy actions to counter developments in order to avoid important, negative side effects. Now that climate science published numerous reports, including the IPCC 1.5 °C, AR6 Reports, and their 2023 Summary -all defining net-zero 2050 emissions pathways- the world is clearly in trouble complying. Decarbonization will be required, to be accomplished in various ways; however, at this moment issues are often not properly addressed and illustrative examples exist. Net-zero targets are necessary for controlling all emissions, but these may not be sustainable in their entirety. A large number of societal undertakings refuse to accept limitations, still aiming at unlimited growth via not well-investigated means, implying the same oversights as made during the last 50 years. The RACHP sector as an important player in future energy consumption needs to comply with net-zero sustainable pathways during 2023-50. Possibilities and challenges for net-zero pathways will be presented, and how the whole of RACHP, including heat pumps, can go forward. Based on all interesting recent developments, including the regulatory and chemical questions raised, conclusions will summarise important interlinkages between developments planned for a future net-zero society with critical offsets - as well as tackling the essential refrigeration aspects. Even when things could well be difficult, this will be the main message.

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Pages: 36 p.


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  • Original title: From past to present: a net-zero framework with various hurdles and opportunities for RACHP.
  • Record ID : 30031514
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Environment, General information
  • Source: Proceedings of the 26th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Paris , France, August 21-25, 2023.
  • Publication date: 2023/08/21
  • DOI:


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