Vital ozone graphics 2.0: climate link. Resource kit for journalists.

Gráficos vitales sobre el ozono 2.0: enlace clima. Informe para periodistas.


This is a joint publication of DTIE OzonAction Branch, GRID-Arendal and Zoï Environment Network. This second, revised edition sheds a light onto the latest decisions taken by the Parties to the Montreal Protocol to accelerate the phase out of HCFCs and the implications this has on the use of replacement chemicals. It also focuses on the links to climate both physically up in the air and on the institutional ground of international treaty negotiations as well as on the culprits (ozone depleting substances; cooling equipment; methyl bromide and nitrous oxide). It also discusses the remaining challenges posed by the large amounts of ozone killer banks still present in equipment in use and stocked away, only safe for the atmosphere once entirely destroyed. This publication is available online in Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish (see also this issue of the Bulletin, references 2011-0390, 0391, 0392, 0393, 0394, 0395 and 0396):