Vacuum cooling of vegetables and flowers.
Vacuümkoelen van bladgroenten en bloemen.
Author(s) : HAVENAAR D.
Type of article: Article, Case study
If green vegetables are cooled down immediately after harvesting (field heat is then withdrawn by fast cooling) the lifetime of those foodstuffs is considerably prolonged and the consumer obtains a qualitatively better product. To obtain vacuum cooling, both refrigeration and vacuum techniques are applied. Reducing the pressure inside the vacuum cooler generates a large amount of water vapour. During the fast cooling process the refrigeration unit removes most of this vapour. As a result, it is possible to use vacuum pumps with normal sizes and capacities. The precooling takes place within approximately 20 minutes and therefore these quick-cooling systems may be used in other precooling processes.
- Original title: Vacuümkoelen van bladgroenten en bloemen.
- Record ID : 2005-1282
- Languages: Dutch
- Source: Koude & Luchtbehandeling - vol. 97 - n. 9
- Publication date: 2004/10
See other articles in this issue (1)
See the source
Food engineering;
Seeds and plants - Keywords: Precooling; Calculation; Vacuum; Chilling; Process; Vegetable; Flower; Case study
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- Author(s) : BROSNAN T., SUN D. W.
- Date : 2001/03
- Languages : English
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- Formats : PDF
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Vacuum cooling meets postharvest demands.
- Author(s) : MCGOWAN S.
- Date : 2007/10
- Languages : English
- Source: EcoLibrium - vol. 6 - n. 9
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