Thermophysical processes in refrigerating systems and properties of working fluids.

Teplofiziceskie prochessy v sistemah holodil'noj tehniki i svojstva rabocik tel.

Author(s) : TIMOFEEVA M. I.

Type of monograph: Other


This is a collection of papers from researchers in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan on theoretical and experimental research into thermophysical properties of refrigerants and heat-transfer processes in different phases. Special attention is paid to results on the most important ozone-safe substitutes.


  • Original title: Teplofiziceskie prochessy v sistemah holodil'noj tehniki i svojstva rabocik tel.
  • Record ID : 1996-0614
  • Languages: Russian
  • Publication: St. petersburg refrig. technol. inst. - Russia/Russia
  • Publication date: 1993
  • Source: Source: 148 p. (14.5 x 20.4); fig.; tabl.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.