Sustainable manufacturing: fact sheets. Water chiller selection and optimisation of operation.
Author(s) : ResourceSmart Business, Sustainability Victoria
Type of article: Periodical article
Water chiller is a broad term describing an overall package that includes refrigeration plant, water chiller and air or water-cooled condenser. This name infers that the compressor, condenser, chiller and internal piping and controls are combined into a single unit. This infosheet contains information about: issues to be considered when selecting water chillers; system diversity; and constant flow systems.
- Original title: Sustainable manufacturing: fact sheets. Water chiller selection and optimisation of operation.
- Record ID : 30002515
- Languages: English
- Source: ResourceSmart Business
- Publication date: N/A
See the source
Energy efficiency, energy savings - Keywords: Enhancement; Design; Chiller; Recommendation; Performance; Air conditioning
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- Author(s) : KLEE D., GIGOT G.
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- Author(s) : MAZURKIEWICZ G.
- Date : 2002/01/21
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- Source: Air Cond. Heat. Refrig. News/ - 5 p.; phot.
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- Author(s) : BEYENE A., LOWREY P.
- Date : 1996/07
- Languages : English
- Source: Int. J. Energy Res. - vol. 20 - n. 7
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- Languages : French
- Source: CLIM Prat. - n. 101
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