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71 results
Fate of listeria monocytogenes, pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica, and Escherichia coli O157:H7 gfp+ in ready-to-eat salad during cold storage: what is the risk to consumers?
IIR document
Airflow design in refrigerated retail display cabinets and its impact on food quality.
Simulação do escoamento do ar e distribuição de temperatura numa sala de uma unidade industrial.
Simulation of the air flow and the temperature distribution in an industrial unit room.
Análise das condições de conforto térmico e qualidade do ar no interior de uma sala de uma unidade industrial.
Analysis of the thermal comfort conditions and indoor air quality in an industrial unit room.
Simulación e investigación experimental del sistema de bomba de calor usando un banco térmico (Thermo-bank) para cuarto de calderas y almacenamiento en cámaras frigoríficas.
Experimental investigation and simulation process of heat pump system using thermobank for heating room and cold storage.
La préparation des fruits et légumes au coeur du magasin.
Preparing fruits and vegetables inside the store.
Comportamiento energético de una instalación frigorífica de cascada trabajando con un sistema de expansión indirecta.
Energy behaviour of a cascade refrigeration unit operating with an indirect expansion system.
Filtro de Kalman para a determinação do ar num espaço ocupado de modo intermitente e ventilado naturalmente.
Kalman filter for the determination of air exchange in a space occupied intermittently and naturally ventilated.
Survival of Shigella boydii 18 in bean salad.
Hygrométrie contrôlée pour des salades à 4 °C.
Controlled hygrometry for salads at 4 °C.
Croissance de Listeria monocytogenes sur salade prêtes à l'emploi.
Listeria monocytogenes growth in ready-to-serve salads.
Effect of mayonnaise pH and storage temperature on the behaviour of Listeria monocytogenes in ham salad and potato salad.
Analisi microbiologiche e identificazione di batteri lattici in insalate di IV gamma.
Microbiological analysis and lactic acid bacteria identification in minimally processed salads.
Effect of storage temperature on quality maintenance of savoy salad.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
19 results
Fluctuating temperatures increase E. Coli and Listeria risk in leafy greens
A new study has found that fluctuations in temperature during transportation and retail sale of leafy greens negatively impacts both the product’s quality and microbial safety.
Packaging innovations
Plant-based food packaging Biodegradable packaging looks set to be the way of the future. A sharp rise in demand for natural products and healthier food added to the stability of maize prices versus those of petroleum-based polymers have...
Chilled & deli food market in Asia-Pacific
The Asia-Pacific chilled & deli food market had total revenues of USD 296,724.7million in 2012.
Chilled & deli Food market in Japan
The Japanese chilled & deli food market had total revenues of USD 88,366.9 million in 2012, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 0.5% between 2008 and 2012.
Global chilled & deli food market
The global chilled & deli food market had total revenues of USD 748,338.7 million in 2012, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.7% between 2008 and 2012.
Chilled & deli food market in Europe
The European chilled & deli food market had total revenues of USD 190,842.5 million in 2012.
Chilled & deli food market in the US
The US chilled & deli food market had total revenues of USD 169,825.8 million in 2012.
HFC regulation
The United States continues to legislate on HFCs. India, El Salvador and Serbia ratify the Kigali Amendment.
Refrigeration and COVID-19: list of resources
List of resources (guides, recommendations, information) regularly updated concerning the COVID-19 and the refrigeration sector.
COVID-19 news in the HVAC&R sector
The IIR reviews the available information on the possible impact of air conditioning on the spread of COVID-19 and the recommendations for the operation and maintenance of HVAC systems. Furthermore, several...
The chilled processed food market in Dominican Republic
The Dominican chilled processed food sector is forecast to see consumption levels increase slightly over the next five years, experiencing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2% in constant value and 1% in retail volume terms.
Measures towards energy-efficient air conditioning in Southeast Asian countries
The IEA projects that electricity demand from air conditioning could reach 300 TWh by 2040 in the ASEAN region (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). Energy efficiency measures...
More than one billion people are at high risk due to a lack of access to cooling
The annual Chilling Prospects report estimates that 355 million people living in poor rural areas and 732 million people living in poor urban areas are at risk due to a lack of access to cooling worldwide....
Refrigeration innovations for the avocado market
The booming global avocado market calls for increasing standards of quality. Refrigeration technologies offer cutting-edge solutions for fruit ripening and seed preservation for future crops.
Visualization of artificial proteins with cryo-electron microscopy
A team of researchers managed to visualize the atomic structure of peptoids.
IIR news
8 results
Job opportunities: Sainsbury’s is looking for young graduate engineers.
Sainsbury’s is looking for young graduate engineers: £27,000 (32,500 €) starting salary, six monthly reviews and performance relative bonus.
Obituary: José Miguel Corberán
The IIR is deeply saddened to learn of the passing of José Miguel Corberán Salvador, former President of Commission B2, at the age of 65.
The Cold Chain: A logistical challenge at the heart of the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine
Gérald Cavalier - President of the Science and Technology Council of the International Institute of Refrigeration, President of the French Association of Refrigeration, President of the Cemafroid...
IIR member news: Air Liquide joins the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic
To deal with the Covid-19 epidemic in France, the Air Liquide group, member of the IIR, has decided to produce 10,000 respirators in 50 days.
Statement given by Didier Coulomb, Director General of the IIR, during COP 26
Statement Given by the Director General of the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) during the 26th Conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 26) in...
Cooling Keeps Food Fresh : Global Campaign Announced for World Refrigeration Day, June 26
Since 2019, June 26 celebrates the World Refrigeration Day. With increasing global stakes at hand over the past years, refrigeration took a leading role at the heart of international...
Editorial by Mrs. Sylvie Lemmet
The refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) industry is remarkable for its contribution to sustainable development and indeed to the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals. Preservation of perishable food and medicines has resulted in...
Encyclopedia of Refrigeration
3 results
Additive manufacturing of regenerators for caloric cooling
In many areas of engineering, additive manufacturing allows the production of complex and multifunctional products that could not be manufactured using traditional methods. In the...
Ice cream manufacturing, environmental impact and market data
From a physico-chemical point of view, ice cream is a complex, frozen multiphase mixture. The manufacturing process includes several stages of freezing which are described in this...
Nanorefrigerants are created by adding nanoparticles in suspension to a base refrigerant. They have a thermal conductivity that is 15% to 104% higher than that of the corresponding...