IIR document

Refrigeration in Sea Transport - Today and in the Future

Date: 1994.09.29 / 1994.10.01

Location: Gdansk, Poland


Several review papers deal with major changes in the design and use of reefers, and in the international refrigeration market and world trade flows. Main topics: - Porthole and integrated containers and related vessels - New reefers for bulk cargo, reefer adaptation to pallets and pallet handling - Air distribution, insulation and simulation - Controlled atmosphere: possibilities and limits, safety, technologies - New refrigeration systems, R22 substitution, NH3, condensers, CO2. Papers: 32 (31 in english & 1 in french)

Available documents

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Format Hard copy

Pages: 294


  • Public price

    30 €

  • Member price*

    22,50 €

* Best rate depending on membership category (see the detailed benefits of individual and corporate memberships).


  • Original title: Refrigeration in Sea Transport - Today and in the Future
  • Organiser : IIF-IIR
  • Record ID : 1997-3150
  • Languages: English
  • Number of articles: 32
  • Publication: Iif-iir - France/France
  • Collection:
  • ISSN: 01511637
  • ISBN: 2903633762
  • Conference type: IIR Conference
  • IIR commissions: Refrigerated transport, Refrigerated transport
  • Notes:

    Proc. Gdansk Meet., IIR/C. R. Réun. Gdansk, IIF


See articles (32)
See conference