Refrigerant report 18.

Author(s) : BITZER

Type of monograph: Guide/Handbook, Booklet


This edition supersedes all previous issues. This ever-expanding publication, now in its 18th edition, provides in-depth information on current refrigerants, the alternatives and most of the up-coming development blends. Importantly, it provides the crucial compressor manufacturer’s view of the efficacy of many of the proposed alternatives. The properties and characteristics are provided for around 40 refrigerant.


  • Original title: Refrigerant report 18.
  • Record ID : 30012788
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Environment, General information, HFCs alternatives
  • Publication: Bitzer kühlmaschinenbau - Germany/Germany
  • Edition statement: 18
  • Publication date: 2014/10/13
