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  • Cooling demand is booming

    The boom in cooling demand is already well established for some products in some countries: fridge ownership among Chinese urban households rose from 7% in 1995 to 95% in 2007, for example.

    • Publication date : 2016/05/26
    • Subjects: Figures, economy
  • First car models using HFO-1234yf

    During the recent Mobile Air Conditioning Society Worldwide convention and trade show in Las Vegas, USA, discussions focused on the vehicles will have the new HFO-1234yf refrigerant. It was revealed that one vehicle was already being sold with the...

    • Publication date : 2012/07/03
  • The tax on HFCs officially adopted in France

    French tax on HFCs, officially adopted on December 30, 2018, will enter into force in 2021. Companies can already get a 40% income tax discount if they use alternatives to HFCs.

    • Publication date : 2019/01/31
    • Subjects: Regulation, HFCs alternatives
  • New advance in cryopreservation could make blood preservation more practical

    It’s already possible to cryopreserve human red blood cells in the presence of 40 percent glycerol, but is rarely done because of the time-consuming process to thaw and remove the glycerol from the blood.

    • Publication date : 2015/05/12
  • China’s largest port-base cold chain project

    With a state-of-the-art mega-refrigerated warehouse project, the port of Nansha in southern China will be ready to meet the growing logistics needs of the cold chain in the region.

    • Publication date : 2020/10/22
  • Magnetic refrigeration: future applications

    The magnetocaloric effect was discovered in 1881 and has been used in cryophysics since the 1930s, but thanks to recent developments in material science, this technology can now be used at room temperature. Several projects involving this...

    • Publication date : 2006/07/26
  • Briefs: US supermarkets: CO2 gains ground

    Being already largely used in Europe, CO2 refrigeration systems might see important development in North American supermarkets. The medium-size retail chain Price Chopper Supermarkets has installed a cascade system using CO2 in the low-temperature...

    • Publication date : 2008/08/12
  • Cheers to that!

    An innovative brewery refrigeration system that uses natural CO2 gas has been conceived by engineers from the Ziemann Group in collaboration with Axima. This system, which will be of particular interest to large plants with extensive pipe networks...

    • Publication date : 2006/05/05
  • Briefs: Embraco's new miniature compressor

    In Newsletter No. 35, we reported on research, especially at Purdue University, on the design of miniature evaporators and compressors. Still in the testing phase, but already considered a technological innovation, Embraco's new miniature...

    • Publication date : 2009/05/18
  • Germany: Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases in Products and Processes - Technical Climate Protection Measures – Report

    Early 2004, the German Environment Agency published a report on fluorinated gases. Fluorinated gases covered in the German Climate Protection Programme are HFCs, PFCs and SF6. The German government first introduced a Climate Protection Programme...

    • Publication date : 2004/11/19
  • Briefs: First zipper for meat in Europe

    SPIS Grilstad is using re-sealable Zip-Pak packaging for its deli meat products and its market share has risen from 18% to 75%. Zip-pak's re-sealable devices have already been used in the US but are new to Europe. A recent study performed a...

    • Publication date : 2008/08/12
  • Briefs: Funding for solar cooling pioneers

    Faced with climbing fossil fuel prices, refrigerated warehouse companies around the globe are starting to look seriously at renewable energy sources, particularly solar energy. In the United States, companies such as ShopRite Supermarket, Costco...

    • Publication date : 2011/02/07
  • Micro-Innovation

    Mechanical engineers at Purdue University have created a miniature device that aims to replace conventional evaporators. Cited as a "long-term solution" in technological advances, the use of existing technical know-how for the refrigeration loop...

    • Publication date : 2005/07/19
  • HFCs: towards a phase-down schedule?

    The HFC issue, i.e. the replacement of CFCs and HCFCs covered by the Montreal Protocol, by HFCs, which are potent greenhouse gases covered by the Vienna Convention and the Kyoto Protocol, is moving fast. A seminar held in Switzerland in July,...

    • Publication date : 2009/08/13
  • New environmental measures are emerging

    Two important (for the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector) United Nations conferences take place every year, on ozone depletion and on climate change. The IIR attends these conferences and presents a statement as an intergovernmental...

    • Publication date : 2009/02/24
  • 2008, Refrigeration Year

    Many events and actions have already been scheduled or have already taken place in various countries in order to celebrate the IIR's centenary and the 100th anniversaries of several national associations of refrigeration (France, the Netherlands,...

    • Publication date : 2008/05/13
  • Check out the latest news from FRISBEE!

    In this issue two hot topics: the test carried out to increase refrigerator performance and field test monitoring of the food cold chain in European markets.

    • Publication date : 2014/03/10
  • Brief: IOR's Anniversary

    Over 900 persons attended the UK Institute of Refrigeration (IOR)'s 106th Anniversary Dinner which was held on February 8, 2006 at Grosvenour House Hotel, London, appropriately in the ballroom, a former ice skating rink. In his speech, the...

    • Publication date : 2006/05/05
  • IIR Working Parties

    The IIR has 10 commissions: Cryophysics, cryoegineering (A1); Liquefaction and separation of gases (A2); Thermodynamics and transfer processes(B1); Refrigerating equipment (B2); Cryobiology, cryomedicine (C1); Food science and engineering (C2);...

    • Publication date : 2009/12/09
  • Refrigeration Fundamentals on sale!

    The IIR's latest course, Refrigeration Fundamentals - Educational Course, will be available within a few weeks. Refrigeration Fundamentals, by André Pilatte - Delegate of Belgium to the IIR and Professor at the Faculté Polytechnique de Mons -...

    • Publication date : 2006/07/26
  • News from IIR members: Air Liquide

    The world's longest and most powerful superconductor power transmission cable has been connected to the commercial power grid in Holbrook, New York, United States, by the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) and American Superconductor. The 600-m...

    • Publication date : 2008/08/12
  • Conference update: Des Moines

    During the conference the Working Party on Magnetic Refrigeration at Room Temperature of the International Institute of Refrigeration held one of its periodical meetings. All conference members were invited to participate and they where...

    • Publication date : 2009/06/24
  • Obituary: Per-Oskar Persson

    The former Managing Director of Frigoscandia AB, Per-Oskar Persson of Helsingborg, Sweden passed away on August 26, 2008, at the age of 84. He was an Honorary Member of IIR, President of Commission D1, 1971 - 1979, and Head of Section D 1979 -...

    • Publication date : 2008/09/29
  • June 2004: fruitful meetings of the IIR’s statutory committees

    Here are some highlights of the annual meetings of the IIR's statutory bodies (Management Committee, Science and Technology Council [STC] and Executive Committee): Strategic Plan of the IIR Four years after having adopted its Strategic...

    • Publication date : 2004/07/27
  • The Cold Chain: A logistical challenge at the heart of the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine 

    Gérald Cavalier - President of the Science and Technology Council of the International Institute of Refrigeration, President of the French Association of Refrigeration, President of the Cemafroid...

    • Publication date : 2020/11/23
    • Subjects: Technology, General information
  • What do refrigeration, air conditioning and social media have in common? A lot!

    In 2014, an awareness raising social media campaign by Stephen Gill praising the too often overlooked virtues and benefits of refrigeration caused quite a stir, going viral.

    • Publication date : 2015/07/21
  • New IIR Working Group: whole-body cryotherapy or cryostimulation

    During the IIR Science and Technology Council meeting on June 15, 2017, a new IIR Working Group (WG) on “Whole-body cryotherapy or cryostimulation” was officially created.

    • Publication date : 2017/07/12
  • Press release: IIR launches new Working Group on “Whole-body cryotherapy or cryostimulation”

    During the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) Science and Technology Council meeting on June 15, 2017, a new IIR Working Group on “Whole-body cryotherapy or cryostimulation” was officially created.

    • Publication date : 2017/07/26
  • Statement given by Didier Coulomb, Director General of the IIR, during COP 21

    Statement given by Didier Coulomb, Director General of the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) during the 21st United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21) in Paris (November...

    • Publication date : 2020/03/29
    • Subjects: Regulation, Environment
  • Welcome to the new IIR website

    We are delighted to introduce the new and improved IIR website.

    • Publication date : 2020/03/31