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  • HFC news around the world

    As HFC prices fall in the EU and the United Kingdom confirmed its intention to comply with the F-gas Regulation after Brexit, Australia decided to reduce its imports of HFCs and, in the United States, the State of New Jersey enacted a bill to...

    • Publication date : 2020/03/02
    • Subjects: HFCs alternatives
  • Global warming potential (GWP) of HFC refrigerants

    Using the latest updated data from UNEP’s RTOC 2022 report, we have compiled the 100-year GWP and 20-year GWP values of hydrofluorocarbon-based (HFC) refrigerants. Our table includes...

    • Last update : 2023/09/15
    • Langues : English, French
    • Themes : HFCs