Programmes nationaux de certification à destination des techniciens du froid et du conditionnement d'air. Exemples de stratégies et de modalités pour leur mise en œuvre et leur exécution.

National certification schemes for refrigeration and air-conditioning service technicians. Examples of strategies and requirements for their establishment and operation.

Auteurs : BUONI M., ALI A., BASHA S., et al.

Type de monographie : Autre


This publication aims to provide introductory information for institutions in developing countries to better understand the issue of certification in the field of refrigeration and air-conditioning, to assist in the creation of such certification and training schemes and to demonstrate to service technicians and enterprises why it is in their interest to participate. This guidance is provided through four
main examples of existing certification schemes.


  • Titre original : National certification schemes for refrigeration and air-conditioning service technicians. Examples of strategies and requirements for their establishment and operation.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30016454
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Réglementation, Environnement, Alternatives aux HFC
  • Édition : Unep (united nations environment programme), dtie (division of technology, industry and economics) - France/France
  • Date d'édition : 2015