Temperature-controlled transport and storage of pharmaceuticals is expanding greatly. The technological evolution of the pharmaceutical industry results in the emergence of new temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical products on the market. This essentially concerns vaccines, anti-cancer and anti-diabetes drugs, blood and biotechnology derivatives. Besides, the distribution networks are becoming longer, more diversified and more complex, in particular because of the exiting of these products from hospital reserves and the globalisation of their production sites.
- Original title: Guide pratique : chaîne du froid pour les médicaments.
- Record ID : 2009-0463
- Languages: French
- Publication: Aff (association française du froid) - France/France
- Publication date: 2008
- Source: Source: 196 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; tabl.; ref.; 7 append.; EUR 75.
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
The influence of refrigeration on microorganisms, viruses and vaccines;
The influence of refrigeration on cells, tissues and organs;
Pharmaceutical engineering;
Cold chain, interfaces - Keywords: Vaccine; Thermometer; Thermodynamics; Temperature indicator; Regulations; France; Cold room; Cold chain; Mechanically refrigerated vehicle; Measurement; Logistics; Refrigerated transport; Heat transfer; Temperature; Control (automatic); Recommendation; Blood; Failure; World; Handling; Pharmaceutical industry; Guide; Europe; Cold storage; Packaging; Container
Practical guidelines: cold chain for medicines.
- Author(s) : AFF, SFSTP
- Date : 2009
- Languages : English
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Heat-Sensitive Health Products
- Author(s) : IIF-IIR, CAVALIER G., BONED M.
- Date : 2016/01
- Languages : English, French
- Formats : PDF
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Consultation Technet.
- Author(s) : OMS
- Date : 1997/08
- Languages : French
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Le froid dans l'amélioration des soins de santé...
- Author(s) : DICKO M.
- Date : 1996/05
- Languages : French
- Source: Bull. afr. - n. 6
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Criteria for capability of measuring instrument...
- Author(s) : DEVIN E.
- Date : 2013/04/02
- Languages : English
- Source: 2nd IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain. Proceedings: Paris, France, April 2-4, 2013.
- Formats : PDF
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