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  • Indoor pollution control: an overview.

    • Author(s) : DESHPANDE R.
    • Publication date: 2014/01
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Standardization, Generality, Air quality, Air change, Pollutant, Filtration, Thermal comfort
    • Source: Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Journal - vol. 17 - n. 1
    • Formats : PDF
  • Is CO2 indoor pollutant?

    • Author(s) : FISK W. J., SATISH U., MENDELL M. J., et al.
    • Publication date: 2013/03
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Ventilation, Pollution, Pollutant, Testing, CO2
    • Source: ASHRAE Journal - vol. 55 - n. 3
  • Indoor surface material and air quality.

    • Author(s) : SENITKOVA I.
    • Publication date: 2013/06/16
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Building, Ventilation, Air quality, Pollution, Pollutant, Material
    • Source: Clima 2013. 11th REHVA World Congress and 8th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings.
    • Formats : PDF
  • Hygienické hodnocení škodlivin ve vnitrním ovzduší a návrh vetrání.

    Hygienic assessment of pollutants in indoor environment and ventilation designing.

    • Author(s) : ZMRHAL V.
    • Publication date: 2013/06
    • Languages : Czech
    • Keywords : Exhibition, Ventilation, Air quality, Air change, Pollutant, Concentration
    • Source: Vytápení Vetrání Instalace - vol. 22 - n. 3
    • Formats : PDF
  • IIR document

    Driving clean cold.

    • Author(s) : TEYSSANDIER E., WAGNER F., BENGHERBI Z., et al.
    • Publication date: 2016/04/07
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Technology, Refrigerated transport, Statistics, Pollution, Performance
    • Source: 4th IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain. Proceedings: Auckland, New Zealand, April 7-9, 2016.
    • Formats : PDF
  • A decentralized mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery: experimental assessment of thermal comfort and pollutant removal ability.

    • Author(s) : AJAJI Y., ANDRÉ P.
    • Publication date: 2013/06/16
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Climatic chamber, Building, Measurement, Ventilation, Heat recovery, Pollutant, Thermal comfort
    • Source: Clima 2013. 11th REHVA World Congress and 8th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings.
    • Formats : PDF
  • Use of Hydrogen as Fuel: A Trend of the 21st Century

    • Publication date: 2022/01
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Hydrogen, GWP, Greenhouse effect, Pollution, Environment, Liquefaction, Fuel (generic)
    • Source: Energies - 15 - 1
    • Formats : PDF
  • CVC : les enjeux environnementaux.

    HVAC: the environmental stakes.

    • Author(s) : BARON X.
    • Publication date: 2014/07
    • Languages : French
    • Keywords : Building, Ventilation, Air quality, Air change, Pollution, Particle, Filtration, Environment
    • Source: Revue générale du Froid & du Conditionnement d'air - vol. 103 - n. 1145
  • Control of ODS for international shipping

    • Author(s) : YAMASAKI M.
    • Publication date: 2017/04/06
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Regulations, Ship, Safety, Refrigerated transport, Reduction, Pollution, Developing country, Ozone depletion
    • Source: Sustainable management of refrigeration technologies in marine and off-shore fisheries sectors.
    • Formats : PDF
  • How good IAQ can help save energy in labs.

    • Author(s) : COWARD C.
    • Publication date: 2015/01
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Standardization, Generality, Sensor, Contamination, Laboratory, Air quality, Pollution, Performance, Energy saving, Air conditioning
    • Source: ASHRAE Journal - vol. 57 - n. 1
  • Growing aesthetics into the biowall.

    • Author(s) : TORRES J., HUTZEL W., HYDE A., et al.
    • Publication date: 2018/07/09
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Plant (botany), Indoor environment, Green building, Single-family house, Air quality, Prototype, Pollution, Wall, Filtration, Expérimentation
    • Source: 2018 Purdue Conferences. 17th International Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Conference at Purdue.
    • Formats : PDF
  • World Energy Outlook 2013.

    • Author(s) : IEA
    • Publication date: 2013/11/12
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Renewable energy, Energy consumption, Energy, Electricity, Economy, Transport, Pollution, Petroleum, World, LNG, Environment, Coal, CO2, Climate
  • Residential demand controlled ventilation.

    • Author(s) : KENDRE M.
    • Publication date: 2016/01
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Extraction, Ventilation, Air quality, Pollutant, Residential building
    • Source: Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Journal - vol. 19 - n. 1
    • Formats : PDF
  • The museum environment: a protocol for evaluation of microclimatic conditions.

    • Author(s) : D'AGOSTINO V., AMBROSIO ALFANO F. R. d', PALLELA B. I.
    • Publication date: 2014/02
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Building, Temperature, Air quality, Pollutant, Museum, Humidity
    • Source: 49th AiCARR International Conference. Historical and existing buildings: designing the retrofit. An overview from energy performances to indoor air quality.
    • Formats : PDF
  • Using green wall systems as a new model for energy savings and building's ventilation air cleaning from polutants.

    • Publication date: 2017/12/06
    • Languages : English
    • Keywords : Building, Air, Purification, Pollutant, Wall, Energy saving
    • Source: 48th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition.
    • Formats : PDF
  • New cryogenic methods to control indoor air pollution

    The journal Science of the Total Environment will publish in February 2019 an article exploring the capacity of cryogenic technologies to tackle indoor air pollution.

    • Publication date : 2018/12/27
  • Indoor air pollution as a health risk

    On September 7, industry associations issued an urgent statement to European Union institutions to highlight the importance of indoor air quality in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    • Publication date : 2021/11/22
  • The ice wall ready to go into service at Fukushima

    In Japan, the huge ice wall installed to stop groundwater pollution at the tsunami-wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant is going to be activated.

    • Publication date : 2016/04/12
  • Briefs: Australia’s White Paper

    In its White Paper "Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS): Australia's Low Pollution Future" - an amended version of the Green Paper issued in July 2008 - unveiled in December 2008, the Australian government gave details concerning its future...

    • Publication date : 2009/02/25
  • Illegal trade in ODS

    Some recent facts show the difficulty to tackle the illegal disposal of CFC appliances and CFCs and HCFCs trading issues: - The German business magazine Capital divulged that CFC-containing refrigeration appliances were discovered in two car...

    • Publication date : 2008/08/12
  • France: Assessment of the refrigerant emissions avoided between 1993 and 2013

    The commitment and engagement from most stakeholders in the “Cooling and Air Conditioning “ branch helped avoid 45 million emitted tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.

    • Publication date : 2016/04/20
  • California Ice Exploration

    Eleven Southern California municipal electric utilities are exploring the use of ice storage to help reduce peak electricity demand during hot summer months, given that 70% of this demand is due to air conditioners. The electric utilities are...

    • Publication date : 2006/01/28
  • LNG-fuelled coaches with over 1000 km autonomy

    Spanish bus manufacturer, Irizar, has launched a line of LNG coaches, promising a range of more than 1000 kilometres, along with reduced CO2 emissions.

    • Publication date : 2021/10/18
    • Subjects: Environment, Technology
  • Briefs: Is air conditioning good for health?

    Air conditioning (AC) could blunt the ill effects of air pollution, according to a recent study by Bell et al. from Yale University, published in Epidemiology in September 2009. The study investigated the short-term effects of particulate matter...

    • Publication date : 2010/03/07
  • Briefs: first bank of coral cells

    US scientists have created the first bank of frozen coral cells, intended to preserve endangered coral species in Hawaii and protect their diversity. The bank so far contains frozen sperm and embryonic cells from mushroom coral and rice...

    • Publication date : 2011/02/07
  • Do aliens use CFCs?

    What if the search for extra-terrestrial life took a new turn? A grant recently awarded to a team of scientists will finance research for "technosignatures", which would include CFCs.

    • Publication date : 2020/06/29
  • Cryogenic applications: Cooling largest outer-space telescope

    In his presentation on cryogenics applications at the IIR-AFF centenary conference in Paris (see Focus), Philippe Lebrun, President of the IIR's Section A, mentioned cryogenic detectors of cosmic signals and cited Herschel probe as an example. The...

    • Publication date : 2008/08/12
  • Latest IGU report: alarming gas-to-coal switching requires low-carbon solutions

    The International Gas Union (IGU) assesses the global natural gas trade in 2020-21 in a report released in May 2022. The report also discusses the need for long-term alternatives to natural gas to reduce...

    • Publication date : 2022/06/21
    • Subjects: Figures, economy, Environment
  • Novel catalysts to address overheating in hypersonic aircraft

    Researchers at Australia's RMIT University have developed 3D-printed catalysts to address the challenge of overheating in hypersonic aircraft and possibly other industrial...

    • Publication date : 2021/10/22
    • Subjects: Technology
  • Road to COP28. Extending the temperature range and application for heat pumps

    To promote decarbonation, “high temperature heat pumps should be designed using waste heat and renewables as a driving energy, and environmentally friendly working fluids”, according...

    • Publication date : 2023/05/30
    • Subjects: Technology