Physics of the environment.
Author(s) : ICP, BRINKMAN A. W.
Type of monograph: Book
Using pertinent examples from the environment and the ways in which people interact with it, this book sets out to provide a cogent account of the underlying physical laws with a lucidity and rigor appropriate to an undergraduate course in the subject. Students will gain an understanding of the physical concepts that govern the world as well as an appreciation of the technologies of power generation and transport, and the impact these have on the environment. Extract from the table of contents: structure and dynamics of the atmosphere; the global climate; solar ultraviolet radiation and life; heat transfer processes; generation of power from fossil fuels (review of thermodynamics; steam generating power stations: Rankine cycle; gas turbine generating systems; Joule cycle; combined power cycle; sequestration of carbon dioxide); nuclear power generation; renewable energy (photovoltaic solar cells; wind power; biomass; hydroelectric power; ground source heat pumps; geothermal energy); transportation (the internal combustion engine; hydrogen or electrically powered vehicles); transport and dispersal of pollutants in the environment.
- Original title: Physics of the environment.
- Record ID : 2009-0946
- Languages: English
- Subject: Environment, General information
- Publication: Icp (imperial college press) - United kingdom/United kingdom
- Publication date: 2008
- ISBN: 9781848161801
- Source: Source: 226 p. (16.5 x 24.5); fig.; ref.; index; GBP 30.
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
- Themes: General information on environment (climate change, ozone depletion…)
- Keywords: Training; Thermodynamics; Renewable energy; Regulations; Geothermy; Energy; Electricity; Economy; Ultraviolet; Transport; Heat transfer; Atmosphere; Heat pump; Pollutant; Hydrogen; Environment; Solar energy; Nuclear energy; Ozone depletion; Thermodynamic cycle; Marketing; CO2; Climate
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