Personal ventilation: what are the benefits and pitfalls?
Type of article: Article, Review
Personal ventilation (PV) systems are one of a number of microenvironment approaches to comfort heating/cooling and ventilation that deliver heating or cooling and/or ventilation air directly to an individual or individuals, rather than conditioning an entire space. Air or chilled water-based personal cooling vests worn under protective clothing by military personnel, fire-fighters, workers in other hazardous environments, and race car drivers are another example of a PV approach.
- Original title: Personal ventilation: what are the benefits and pitfalls?
- Record ID : 2010-1539
- Languages: English
- Source: ASHRAE Journal - vol. 52 - n. 10
- Publication date: 2010/10
- External links:
See other articles in this issue (5)
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- Formats : PDF
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