Performance d'un réfrigérateur 4 K à tube à pulsation à un étage comportant un régénérateur au néodyme prérefroidi à l'aide d'un cryogénérateur Gifford-McMahon à un étage.
Performance of a single-stage 4 K pulse tube cooler with neodymium regenerator precooled with a single-stage GM refrigerator.
Type d'article : Article
A study on the experimental performance of a hybrid cooler is presented. The two-stage unit consists of a commercial single-stage GM refrigerator to precool a pulse tube stage capable of reaching a minimum temperature of 2.2 K. The pressure waves for both stages are generated separately by independent rotary valves using the same 6 kW helium compressor. This allows one to run each stage at its optimum frequency. The GM refrigerator operates at a fixed frequency of 2 Hz while the optimum frequency of the pulse tube stage was experimentally found to be lower. Experiments were carried out with and without a regenerative tube. Neodymium was used as regenerator material in the coldest section. A cooling of 0.26 W at 4.2 K was achieved at the pulse tube stage with an additional heat load of 50 W at the GM stage at 56 K.
- Titre original : Performance of a single-stage 4 K pulse tube cooler with neodymium regenerator precooled with a single-stage GM refrigerator.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 2001-2607
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : Cryogenics - vol. 39 - n. 9
- Date d'édition : 1999
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