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IIR document
Nucleation of PCMs in confined geometries.
Análisis estadístico de la enucleación en un deposito de almacenamiento de hielo.
Statistical analysis of the nucleation in an ice storage depot.
Spray structure as generated under homogeneous flash boiling nucleation regime.
Controlled ice nucleation in cryopreservation. A review.
Ice nucleation in water droplets on glass surfaces: from micro- to macro-scale.
Nucleation intensification in the ice cream production
Effect of metal particles on promoting the nucleation of tetra-n-butylammonium semiclathrate hydrate.
Anti-ice nucleating activity of polyphenol compounds against silver iodide.
Environment-assisted crack nucleation in La(Fe,Mn,Si)13-based magnetocaloric materials.
A molecular dynamics study of cryogenic gas nucleation at high supersaturation.
Nucleation rate and supercooling degree of water-based graphene oxide nanofluids.
Influence of power ultrasound on ice nucleation of radish cylinders during ultrasound-assisted immersion freezing.
Containerless nucleation behavior and supercooling degree of acoustically levitated graphene oxide nanofluid PCM.
Evaluation of the effect of supercooling applied before ice nucleation during food freezing.
Study on the supercooling degree and nucleation behavior of water-based graphene oxide nanofluids PCM.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
4 results
Cryopreservation techniques in reproductive medicine: improving cell survival after warming
A recent literature review presents the technical progress in cryopreservation techniques. The vitrification concept is presented as crucial to ensure cell survival after cryopreservation.
Overview of data center cooling technologies
The very huge growth in Internet traffic requires the continued development of new energy-efficient data center cooling technologies, based primarily on liquid...
Supercooling and superchilling to increase the shelf life and reduce food waste
Superchilling and supercooling have enormous potential to enable safe, high quality and long term storage of foods without the consumer perceived detrimental effects of freezing.
PCM2016 highlights: The supercooled water method: a promising technique for ice slurry generation
The following summary refers to a paper presented during the 11th Phase-Change Materials and Slurries for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (PCM2016) IIR conference which took place on May 18-20 in Karlsruhe, Germany. This paper can be downloaded...
IIR news
1 result
Supercooling and superchilling: A solution to increased shelf life and reduced food waste?
If these technologies were combined with perfusion chilling for meat and fish, then additional benefits such as rapid cooling, low weight loss and novel products could result.
Encyclopedia of Refrigeration
Ice cream manufacturing, environmental impact and market data
From a physico-chemical point of view, ice cream is a complex, frozen multiphase mixture. The manufacturing process includes several stages of freezing which are described in this...