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National legislation on hydrofluorocarbons.
Author(s) : BRACK D.
Type of monograph: Report
An increasing number of national governments have adopted domestic commitments and regulations to limit and reduce the use of HFCs within their territories, sometimes as part of broader policies aimed at tackling climate change. Regulations can be categorised under six broad headings: 1. Limits on the total volume of HFCs which may be used; these may be progressively reduced over time to result in phase-down schedules similar to those applying to ODS under the Montreal Protocol. 2. Bans, or prohibitions, on using HFCs in particular applications or sectors, often specified as the maximum allowed global warming potential (GWP) in specific uses. 3. Fiscal incentives: either raising the price of HFCs through taxes, levies, charges or the inclusion of HFCs in emissions trading schemes; or reducing the price of HFC alternatives, through subsidies or other financial incentives. 4. Mandatory licensing of production, imports and/or exports of HFCs. Application fees may be required for licenses (generally as flat-rate fees, not proportional to the volume of products). 5. Requirements on industry, covering, for example, disposal, recovery and management at end of life for HFCs contained in refrigeration, air-conditioning, fire protection and foam products, emission controls, training and certification of service engineers, and use and emissions reporting requirements. 6. Specific regulations dealing with the destruction of HFC-23, a by-product of the production of HCFC-22: these may include requirements on industry and exclusion from emissions trading schemes. This paper reviews the regulations and incentives in place as of September 2015.
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Format PDF
Pages: 21
- Original title: National legislation on hydrofluorocarbons.
- Record ID : 30026771
- Languages: English
- Subject: Regulation, HFCs alternatives
- Publication: Igsd (institute for governance & sustainable development) - United states
- Publication date: 2015/09/11
Refrigerants, secondary refrigerants: regulations and standards - Keywords: Regulations; European Union; Review; World; HFC; Refrigerant
Visión general de normas que restringen el uso ...
- Author(s) : IIF-IIR, KAUFFELD M.
- Date : 2015/03
- Languages : Spanish
- Source: Frío Calor Aire acondicionado
- Formats : PDF
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Panoramica delle normative che limitano l’uso d...
- Author(s) : IIF-IIR, KAUFFELD M.
- Date : 2015/01
- Languages : Italian
- Source: Industria & Formazione - vol. 39 - n. 385
- Formats : PDF
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Overview of regulations restricting HFC use. Fo...
- Author(s) : IIF-IIR, KAUFFELD M.
- Date : 2015/01
- Languages : English, French
- Formats : PDF
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Synthèse des règlements d'exécution 2015-2065, ...
- Author(s) : Cemafroid
- Date : 2015
- Languages : French
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Proposition de règlement du Parlement et du Con...
- Author(s) : GRANERO G.
- Date : 2004/02/04
- Languages : French
- Source: Evolution de la réglementation sur les fluides frigorigènes dans les différents pays d'Europe. Journée française du Froid : recueil des conférences.
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