Meat Refrigeration
Author(s) : JAMES S. J., JAMES C.
Type of monograph: Book
The chilling and freezing of meat remains an essential way of extending shelf-life and maintaining quality. Based on the work of the internationally-renowned Food Refrigeration and Process Engineering Centre (FRPERC), Meat refrigeration provides an authoritative guide both to the impact of refrigeration on meat and best practice in using it to maximise meat quality for the consumer.
Part one considers the impact of refrigeration on meat quality. There are chapters on the microbiology of refrigerated meat and its influence on shelf-life, drip production, weight loss and the effect of refrigeration on colour and texture. Part two looks at best practice in managing the cold chain from carcass to consumer. The authors discuss primary chilling, freezing, thawing and tempering, transport, storage, retail display and consumer handing. Part three of the book looks at aspects of process control, including chapters on such issues as temperature measurement, the design and optimal use of refrigeration systems.
Both authoritative and practical, Meat refrigeration is a standard work for all those wishing to maximise the quality of refrigerated meat.
- Original title: Meat Refrigeration
- Record ID : 30030943
- Languages: English
- Subject: Technology
- Publication: Woodhead publishing - United kingdom
- Publication date: 2002
- ISBN: 1855734427
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
Meat and meat products;
Specialized cold stores;
Thermodynamic measurements;
Domestic applications (refrigerators, freezers);
Food quality and safety. Microbiology;
Chilling of foodstuffs;
Freezing of foodstuffs;
Refrigerated transport: general information;
Road transport;
Marine transport;
Air transport;
Refrigerated storage: general information;
Cold chain, interfaces - Keywords: Meat; Refrigerated transport; Cold chain; Cold storage; Cold store; Performance; Household refrigerator; Microbiological quality; Display cabinet; Chilling; Freezing; Freezing-thawing; Organoleptic property; Lamb; Pork; Beef; Temperature
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- Formats : PDF
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Refrigeration for food and people.
- Organiser : IIF-IIR
- Date : 1988
- Languages : English
- Formats : PDF
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