LNG as an alternative fuel for food industry.
LNG jako alternatywne paliwo dla przemyslu spozywczego.
Type of article: Article
Currently, significant increase of interest in combined systems available in Micro-Combined Heat and Power in domestic power industry is noted. Food preservation by means of cooling methods and cryogenic freezing are processes requiring low temperatures. The main benefit with respect to the traditional approach (separate systems) is obtaining higher efficiency of power processing and fuel saving. The aim of this study is to present the application possibilities of cogeneration and trigeneration systems, powered by LNG, as combined source of heat, power and cooling in food plants. Response to the EU recommendations concerning improvement of energy efficiency is the application of cogeneration systems, especially trigeneration in food industry. Moreover, it is in line with the idea of sustainable development. Owing to the application of cogeneration systems powered by LNG, we obtain a higher efficiency of processing power and saving of fuel than on the case of the use of separate systems.
- Original title: LNG jako alternatywne paliwo dla przemyslu spozywczego.
- Record ID : 30021836
- Languages: Polish
- Source: Przemysl Spozywczy - vol. 71 - n. 3
- Publication date: 2017/01
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15199/65.2017.3.7
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