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  • European Union: New energy labelling rules

    New EU energy labelling rules and efficiency requirements will apply to household equipment including refrigerators and freezers, after a committee of experts approved them on March 31, 2009. The new energy labels are based on the existing A to G...

    • Publication date : 2009/05/18
  • Energy efficiency and labelling systems in Asia

    During a recent symposium on energy efficiency and labelling systems in Asia held in Tokyo, valuable information was given on the status of some projects: - In China, household appliance energy-efficiency labelling was first implemented with...

    • Publication date : 2009/08/13
  • A new energy efficiency labelling system in China.

    China enforces an energy efficiency labelling system for room air conditioners and chillers.

    • Publication date : 2017/01/26
    • Subjects: Regulation
  • Update about mandatory energy labelling for professional refrigirators and freezers in the European Union

    Professional refrigerated equipments sold since July 2016 must now be rated from A to G for energy efficiency.

    • Publication date : 2017/01/17
    • Subjects: Regulation
  • Europe

    The European Commission has issued regulations establishing standard requirements under the European "F-gas" Regulation No. 842/2006 which came to effect on July 4, 2007: - leakage checking (Art. 3.7) : Regulation No. 1516/2007 of December 19,...

    • Publication date : 2008/05/13
  • Agreeing frozen fish dates sparks hot debate

    The new EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers (FIC) shall apply from December 13, 2014. Under the new rules, the first date on which a fish was frozen must be labelled on pack.

    • Publication date : 2014/10/21
  • Worldwide adoption of MEPS on the rise

    Over 100 countries now use mandatory minimum energy efficiency performance standards or energy labels for the most common appliances, according to the IEA Energy Efficiency 2022...

    • Publication date : 2023/02/20
    • Subjects: General information
  • Latest progress in the Caribbean Cooling Initiative

    Jamaica and the Dominican Republic are working towards setting up policies and minimum energy efficiency requirements to reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions from cooling. 

    • Publication date : 2021/05/31
    • Subjects: Developing country, Environment, Regulation
  • Inefficient R22 air conditioners dumped in Africa

    According to a recent report, 35% of room air conditioners (RAC) sold in ten African countries are low efficiency RACs. RACs containing R22 account for 47% of the market, while 49% contain R410A.Setting minimum...

    • Publication date : 2020/09/04
    • Subjects: Developing country, Environment
  • Regulations Reminder

    The EC Directorate General of Fair Trading, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF) has put out information on Decree No. 2005-944 of August 2, 2005. The latter modifies Decree No. 64-949 of September 9, 1964 in order to bring it into line...

    • Publication date : 2006/01/19
  • F-gas Regulation

    The F-gas Regulation (842/2006/EC) entered into force on July 4, 2007. The various measures introduced by the Regulation to ensure reduced emissions of F-gases are leak check procedures, labelling provisions, and high standards for the training...

    • Publication date : 2009/08/13
  • "Chain of Thought" e-Newsletter

    The second issue of Chain of Thought, the e-Newsletter of Food Chain Intelligence (Australia), has just been published. In this second issue, the environmental impact of food supply chains - a topic that is rapidly gaining importance in the food...

    • Publication date : 2008/04/24
  • Figures: EU electricity consumption

    A report issued by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) shows that energy efficiency measures - such as labelling and minimum energy efficiency standards -together with national policies and incentives are contributing to...

    • Publication date : 2010/05/27
  • Briefs: New online energy-efficiency benchmarking tool

    The ICE-E (Improving Cold Storage Equipment in Europe) project is launching a new online benchmarking tool making it possible for users to compare the performance of their cold store against statistical data, identify potential energy savings and...

    • Publication date : 2011/02/07
  • The most ambitious energy efficiency standards compared

    The CLASP compared MEPS requirements across ten of the world’s most carbon-intensive economies.

    • Publication date : 2023/02/20
    • Subjects: Regulation