L’industrie du GNL en 2012.

The LNG industry in 2012.

Type de monographie : Rapport


This publication is an annual study on LNG flows, shipping, regasification terminals, liquefaction plants and LNG contracts.
According to GIIGNL (International Group of LNG Importers), in 2012, global LNG imports net of reloads reached 236.3 Mt, a 1.9% (4.5 Mt) decrease compared to the previous year. The world LNG trade accounted for 522.08 Mm 3 in liquid form or 236.31 Mt, 59.2 million tons traded on a spot or short-term basis or 25% of total trade.
71% of LNG demand was located in Asia and 40% of global LNG imports were supplied from the Middle East
The total LNG tanker fleet consisted of 378 vessels . It included 14 FSRUs (Floating Storage and Regasification Unit) and 14 ships of less than 18 000 m3.
There were 89 liquefaction trains in operation in 18 exporting countries: Algeria, Angola, Australia, Canada, Colombia, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Indonesia, Israel, Lybia, Malaysia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Russia, USA, Yemen.
The aggregate nominal capacity of all liquefaction plants reached 282 mmtpa, to be compared with a
worldwide LNG consumption of 236 mmtpa.
93 LNG regasification terminals - including 11 floating facilities - were in operation in 26 countries : Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Puerto Rico, USA, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Dubai, Kuwait, Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, United-Kingdom.
Indonesia became the 26th importing country. The combined nominal send-out capacity of the facilities reached 668 mmtpa (902 bcm/y). With 406 tanks, total storage capacity was close to 46 106 m3 of LNG (liquid). Half of the world’s regasification capacity was located in Asia.
40% of global LNG imports supplied from the Middle East.
71% of global LNG demand in Asia.


  • Titre original : The LNG industry in 2012.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30008963
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Chiffres, économie
  • Édition : Giignl (groupe international des importateurs de gaz naturel liquéfié) - France/France
  • Date d'édition : 2012