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47 results
IIR document
A novel method of osmotic-dehydrofreezing with ultrasound enhancement to improve water status and physicochemical properties of kiwifruit.
Why is predicting kiwifruit quality in the cool chain so difficult?
Investigating the potential of dual temperature storage as a postharvest management practice to mitigate chilling injury in kiwifruit.
Development of fruit simulators for postharvest cold chain optimization.
Smartphone-Based Image Analysis for Rapid Evaluation of Kiwifruit Quality during Cold Storage.
Changes in the content of water-soluble vitamins in Actinidia chinensis during cold storage.
Toward a fast and flexible transfer model for horticultural products packaged into boxes.
Industry survey on the pressure drop across palletised horticulture produce during precooling.
Experimental error in large scale cooling operations.
Recommended by the IIR / IIR document
Studies on the pressure distribution inside palletised packages during precooling.
Exploring a new heterogeneity index to quantify the variation of cooling rates within systems that undergo the forced-air cooling process.
Performance of the forced-air cooling process of fruit packed in polyethylene liners as a function of pallet orientation.
A new method to describe the cooling process of packaged horticulture produce.
Postharvest modifications in kiwifruit.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
2 results
World’s largest reefer ship to boost fruits exports
Exports of New Zealand kiwifruit and South African citrus fruits to Europe have been boosted by the commissioning of the world's largest reefer vessel.
Refrigerated rail transport of fruits in India
1000 tonnes of imported fresh fruits reached Bengaluru (India) on refrigerated train.
Encyclopedia of Refrigeration
1 result
Cold storage conditions for fruits and vegetables
Practical recommendations for the cold storage of over 200 cultivars of fruits, vegetables and herbs (storage temperatures, relative humidity, storage time, controlled atmosphere...