Is STEK as good as reported? Uncertainties in the concept underlying the proposed European regulation on fluorinated gases.
Author(s) : ANDERSON J.
Type of monograph: Report
Fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) are synthetic compounds that form part of a basket of six greenhouse gases, which the EU has committed to reducing by 8% below 1990 levels in the 2008-2012 commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. In an attempt to limit emissions of F-gases in the EU, the European Commission proposed a Regulation. The approach to refrigerants emerged from recommendations of the European Climate Change Programme, and is modelled on a system in place in the Netherlands, known as ‘STEK.’ STEK is said to have reduced Dutch emissions of F-gases by more than half in five years. An analysis of an extension of STEK to the rest of Europe, by Enviros consultants on behalf of the European Commission, showed that other Member States might similarly halve business as usual emissions to 5.5% annually by 2010, if they employ a similar approach. however, this research shows that such reductions are anything but certain, and that alternative approaches may need to be considered more seriously.
- Original title: Is STEK as good as reported? Uncertainties in the concept underlying the proposed European regulation on fluorinated gases.
- Record ID : 30009586
- Languages: English
- Subject: Regulation, Environment
- Publication: Institute for european environmental policy (ieep) - Belgium/Belgium
- Publication date: 2005/06/14
Regulations and standardization (Montreal and Kyoto Protocols…);
Containment, refrigerant charge reduction;
Refrigerants, secondary refrigerants: regulations and standards - Keywords: Regulations; Reduction; Netherlands; F-gas (fluorinated gas); Europe; Environment; Leakage; Refrigerant; Climate
Climate policy, fluorocarbons and the cooling i...
- Author(s) : WEENINK J. B.
- Date : 1996/12
- Languages : Dutch
- Source: Koude & Luchtbehandeling - vol. 89 - n. 12
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HFC emission reduction: potential climate chang...
- Author(s) : CAMPBELL N. J.
- Date : 2001/10/09
- Languages : English
- Source: Symposium 2001. Directives/regulations: new drafts, implementation of amendments and revisions; consequences for the European refrigeration/air conditioning markets.
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Hoe lek is het mandje? CFK-ketenonderzoek Neder...
- Author(s) : Ecozone
- Date : 1999/11
- Languages : Dutch
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Technical requirements for refrigeration equipm...
- Date : 1996/10/01
- Languages : English
- Source: Choix - 26 p.; 2 tabl.
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Latest developments with respect to the EU-F-ga...
- Author(s) : JAKOBS R.
- Date : 2006/09/27
- Languages : English
- Source: Compressors 2006: 6th International Conference on Compressors and Coolants
- Formats : PDF
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