IIR document

High temperature heat pumps for space and process heating utilising geothermal energy.

Number: 0201

Author(s) : HEWITT N. J., TODD S.


Shallow and Deep Geothermal Heat has the capacity to make a significant contribution to the efficiency of space heating and process heating heat pumps. Geothermal Heat is a widely distributed resource, especially at lower temperatures not previously considered for energy applications. Initial borehole testing to deeper levels (about 2 km) have realised attractive temperatures of typically 50⁰C. However, modelling of the known strata in these parts of Northern Ireland reveals that the candidate layers on extraction of the heat from the aquifers will see a temperature drop to near 30⁰C. Nevertheless, the initial models reveal that this temperature can be maintained for 10 years in the first instance. Heat pump candidates are explored to make best use of this heat for a range of commercial and industrial space and process applications.

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  • Original title: High temperature heat pumps for space and process heating utilising geothermal energy.
  • Record ID : 30031384
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Technology
  • Source: Proceedings of the 26th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Paris , France, August 21-25, 2023.
  • Publication date: 2023/08/21
  • DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18462/iir.icr.2023.0201


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