Heat, energy and refrigeration.
Author(s) : ALDER G.
Type of monograph: Book, Guide/Handbook
This guide book of fundamentals gives practical instructions on the theories and pitfalls of refrigeration science as applied to air conditioning systems for the air-conditioning and refrigeration industry. It sets out to "unravel refrigeration's mysteries". After more than 25 years of teaching and training technicians, following upon many years of trouble-shooting in the field as a technician himself, the author has blended his well-tried training material, published articles and technical papers into one, easy-to-read and understand manual. Extract from the table of contents: heat and energy; latent heat, and the operation of a refrigerant; the pressure-enthalpy diagram; evaporators and compressors; compressor performance; condensers and liquid receivers; evaporator liquid food control; refrigeration system ancillaries; system lubrication and compressor malfunction; compressor electrical failure, and control considerations.
- Original title: Heat, energy and refrigeration.
- Record ID : 2005-2888
- Languages: English
- Publication: Geoff alder technical - South africa/South africa
- Publication date: 2004
- ISBN: 0620310332
- Source: Source: 232 p. ( 21 x 29.7); fig.; phot.; tabl.; ZAR 480 + postage.
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
Thermodynamics and changes of state;
Compression systems;
Other air-conditioning equipment;
Evaporators, condensers and other heat exchangers;
Lubricants - Keywords: Training; Thermodynamics; South africa; Refrigeration; Operation; Heat; Energy; Maintenance; Lubrication; Diagram; Control (automatic); Compression system; Performance; Failure; Pressure; Refrigerating plant; Installation (implementation); Guide; Evaporator; Enthalpy; Refrigerant; Air conditioning; Condenser; Latent heat; Compressor; Component
Etude des installations frigorifiques.
- Author(s) : CROISY J.
- Date : 2004
- Languages : French
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