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  • Discover the 35th IIR Informatory Note on “The Impact of the Refrigeration Sector on Climate Change”

    The 35th IIR Informatory Note on “The Impact of the Refrigeration Sector on Climate Change” reviews existing data to estimate past greenhouse gas emissions generated by refrigeration systems and make projections for the future.

    • Publication date : 2017/12/05
  • Join the IIR to stay up-to-date!

    The world of refrigeration is changing rapidly and must continue to accelerate its adaptation to the challenges of climate change: very low greenhouse effect refrigerants, greatly increased energy efficiency,...

    • Publication date : 2021/12/15
  • Review of F-gas regulation - IIR contribution

    The IIR has responded to the European Commission consultation “Fluorinated greenhouse gases – review of EU rules (2015-20)” which aims to collect opinions and suggestions about the update of the F-gas Regulation...

    • Publication date : 2020/09/06
    • Subjects: Regulation, Environment, HFCs alternatives
  • The IIR at COP13/CMP3 in Bali

    During the United Nations Conference on Climate Change which was held in Bali, Indonesia on December 3-14, 2007, delegates have agreed on both the agenda for the negotiations and a 2009 deadline for completing them. However, the text does not...

    • Publication date : 2007/12/27
  • IIR Working Party on Refrigerant Charge Reduction in Refrigerating Systems: Join Us!

    Suitable design of refrigerating systems has several benefits in terms of limitation of the environmental impact thanks to a reduction in the energy consumption and the limitation of refrigerant emissions. The direct greenhouse effect accounts for...

    • Publication date : 2008/10/25
  • IIR Working Parties

    The IIR has 10 commissions: Cryophysics, cryoegineering (A1); Liquefaction and separation of gases (A2); Thermodynamics and transfer processes(B1); Refrigerating equipment (B2); Cryobiology, cryomedicine (C1); Food science and engineering (C2);...

    • Publication date : 2009/12/09
  • Participation of the IIR at COP-10

    On December 6-18, 2004, over 6100 participants from 169 countries attended the 10th Conference of the Parties (COP-10) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)  held at the Rural Exhibition Center in Buenos Aires ,...

    • Publication date : 2005/02/11
  • News from the IIR WP on Mitigation of Emissions

    Consult here the minutes of the first meeting of the IIR Working Party on Mitigation of Direct Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in Refrigeration chaired by Per Lundqvist.

    • Publication date : 2010/12/02
  • IIR Working Party Mitigation of Direct Emissions of GHGs

    The second meeting of the IIR Working Party Mitigation of Direct Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in Refrigeration (WP_MRE) will take place at the International Institute of Refrigeration, 177, Boulevard Malesherbes, 75017 Paris, on February 9, 2011,...

    • Publication date : 2010/12/23
  • News from IIR members: Carrier CO2NSERVATION meter

    The Carrier CO2NSERVATION meter calculates avoided greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as a result of the installation of high efficiency Carrier air-conditioning, heating and refrigeration systems by customers around the world since 2000. Buildings in...

    • Publication date : 2011/02/07
  • News from IIR members: Linde Gases

    Linde Gases recently signed an agreement with Stena Aluminium in Sweden for the installation of its low-temperature oxyfuel technology. Stena is a major aluminium producer and will boost productivity thanks to the Oxyfuel solution: the technology...

    • Publication date : 2009/05/18
  • Editorial by Didier Coulomb

    The 23rd International Congress of Refrigeration (ICR2011) will take place in Prague on August 21-26, 2011. This will be the key refrigeration event in 2011 and will deal with all facets of refrigeration and refrigeration technology. Around...

    • Publication date : 2011/02/07
  • Focus by Didier Coulomb

    As we announced in the latest issue of the Newsletter, this special issue on the environment was prepared jointly with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). 2007 is a very important year for the future of the global environment and the...

    • Publication date : 2007/08/05
  • The IIR at COP-11/MOP-1 in Montreal

    The IIR, as an intergovernmental organization, participated in this "historic" event which gathered 10 000 people for the largest United Nations Framework Conference on Climate Change (UNFCCC) ever held. The conference held...

    • Publication date : 2006/01/28
  • June 2004: fruitful meetings of the IIR’s statutory committees

    Here are some highlights of the annual meetings of the IIR's statutory bodies (Management Committee, Science and Technology Council [STC] and Executive Committee): Strategic Plan of the IIR Four years after having adopted its Strategic...

    • Publication date : 2004/07/27
  • Global HFC emissions from the refrigeration sector

    This table shows HFC emissions from the refrigeration sector – including air conditioning – in million tonnes of CO2 equivalent for about 40 countries that are signatories...

    • Last update : 2022/01/20
    • Langues : English
    • Themes : General information on environment (climate change, ozone depletion…)
  • Liquefied Natural Gas: production process and cold energy recovery

    Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been cooled to about -160 °C and turned into a liquid to facilitate transportation and storage. A typical LNG supply chain...

    • Last update : 2023/06/23
    • Langues : French, English
    • Themes : LNG and LPG
  • For IIR members only

    Heat pump stock in Europe

    This table presents the stock of installed heat pumps, the CO2 emissions avoided and the number of jobs in the heat pump sector in Europe.

    • Last update : 2021/12/14
    • Langues : English
    • Themes : Heat pumps, energy recovery: economics and statistics