Greenhouse gases and climate change: quantification and tools for preventing emissions.

Gaz à effet de serre et changement climatique : quantification et instruments de lutte contre les émissions.

Author(s) : AFNOR, BIZEC R. F.

Type of monograph: Book


Greenhouse gases are considered as the main causes of climate change. In this context, the accurate measurement and methodical assessment of gas emissions and their collection are vital to the furthering of knowledge of global warming and ways of to mitigating it. Extract from the table of contents: climate change, a global phenomenon; mitigation of climate change; climatic uncertainties; quantifying greenhouse gases (measurements and assessment; accounting); anti-greenhouse effect mechanisms (standards and regulations; "economic" mechanisms; voluntary commitments; international and project mechanisms; the post-Kyoto Protocol period).


  • Original title: Gaz à effet de serre et changement climatique : quantification et instruments de lutte contre les émissions.
  • Record ID : 2006-1579
  • Languages: French
  • Subject: Regulation, Environment, General information
  • Publication: Afnor - France/France
  • Publication date: 2006
  • ISBN: 2124630237
  • Source: Source: 189 p. (16 x 24); fig.; tabl.; ref.; append.; EUR 45.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.