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  • F-gas

    Useful info about the F-gas regulation Have you had trouble trying to fathom out the F-gas regulation? Then you might find the document published on the IOR Web site useful:

    • Publication date : 2007/05/04
  • F-gas

    The EU Commission has launched the "F-Gas Regulation" review, as mandated by Article 10 of the Regulation: "By 4 July 2011, the Commission shall publish a report based on the experience of the application of this Regulation". In this...

    • Publication date : 2011/02/07
  • F-gas Regulation

    The F-gas Regulation (842/2006/EC) entered into force on July 4, 2007. The various measures introduced by the Regulation to ensure reduced emissions of F-gases are leak check procedures, labelling provisions, and high standards for the training...

    • Publication date : 2009/08/13
  • Appointments: Dana Gas

    United Arab Emirates: Mr Rashid Saif Al Jarwan has been appointed General Manager of Dana Gas and Mr Saif Ahmed Al Ghafli is now General Manager of ADGAS.

    • Publication date : 2007/05/04
  • F-gas Regulation

    The European Union's "F-gas" Regulation No. 842/2006 is now applied with effect on July 4, 2007 in the 27 European Member States. This Regulation aims at minimizing emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases, including HFCs. -For stationary...

    • Publication date : 2007/08/05
  • Thriving Chinese Gas Market

    The Chinese industrial gas market has been growing at a healthy rate for some time and it is believed that China could soon become the world's third largest industrial gas market if this growth is sustainable. This is quite possible: the Chinese...

    • Publication date : 2009/01/23
  • Thriving Chinese Gas Market

    The Chinese industrial gas market has been growing at a healthy rate for some time and it is believed that China could soon become the world's third largest industrial gas market if this growth is sustainable. This is quite possible: the Chinese...

    • Publication date : 2009/01/23
  • European F-gas regulation

    The timetable for the F-gas regulation proposal was published by DG Environment. The second reading at the European Parliament will take place in June 2005 and final agreement is expected late summer 2006. Entry into force is expected to occur by...

    • Publication date : 2005/02/11
  • Europe: F-gas regulation

    On March 31, 2004, the European Parliament voted in its plenary session on the "F-gas" proposal (Proposal for an European Parliament and Council regulation on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases) of the European Commission dated August 12, 2003...

    • Publication date : 2004/04/28
  • European Union: F-gas figures

    The European Commission has published statistics on fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6) in the European Union, based on reports submitted by EU companies pursuant to the F-gas Regulation.

    • Publication date : 2012/03/05
    • Subjects: Figures, economy
  • Spain proposes F-gas tax

    Following recommendations by the European Union to increase the environmental tax burden, the Spanish Council of Ministries has approved a tax on fluorinated greenhouse gases.

    • Publication date : 2013/09/09
    • Subjects: Regulation
  • Briefs: NOAA Greenhouse Gas Index

    Researchers at the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) developed what they call a "scientifically unambiguous" index, that they say will allow them to track changes in the gases that contribute the most to the warming...

    • Publication date : 2009/02/24
  • New projections regarding F-gas emissions

    A study recently published by Gschrey et al.(1) predicts that global emissions of Kyoto Protocol fluorinated gases (HFCs + SF6 + PFCs) will amount to 4 GT CO2 eq. in 2050 if no mitigation measures are taken, with HFC emissions only representing...

    • Publication date : 2011/12/06
  • F-Gas Regulation Guidance.

    Gluckman Consulting and Jacobs have prepared comprehensive guidance related to the new EU F-Gas regulation.

    • Publication date : 2015/01/26
    • Subjects: Regulation, HFCs alternatives
  • European F-gas Regulation deadline for certification

    The European Regulation No. 303-2008, pursuant to the Regulation No. 842-2006 (“F-gas”), has established the minimum requirements and the conditions for certification of companies and personnel as regards stationary refrigeration, air-conditioning...

    • Publication date : 2011/07/01
  • Liquefied Natural Gas: production process and cold energy recovery

    Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been cooled to about -160 °C and turned into a liquid to facilitate transportation and storage. A typical LNG supply chain...

    • Last update : 2023/06/23
    • Langues : French, English
    • Themes : LNG and LPG
  • Global warming potential (GWP) of HFC refrigerants

    Using the latest updated data from UNEP’s RTOC 2022 report, we have compiled the 100-year GWP and 20-year GWP values of hydrofluorocarbon-based (HFC) refrigerants. Our table includes...

    • Last update : 2023/09/15
    • Langues : French, English
    • Themes : HFCs
  • Cryogenics in the pharmaceutical industry: drug design and bioavailability improvement

    Research activities in the pharmaceutical sector focus primarily on developing novel drug formulations which can elicit the desired response upon being administered to the patient...

    • Last update : 2023/03/10
    • Langues : French, English
    • Themes : Freeze-drying in biology and medicine, Cryobiology, cryomedicine: general information
  • Global HFC emissions from the refrigeration sector

    This table shows HFC emissions from the refrigeration sector – including air conditioning – in million tonnes of CO2 equivalent for about 40 countries that are signatories...

    • Last update : 2022/01/20
    • Langues : English
    • Themes : General information on environment (climate change, ozone depletion…)
  • Additive manufacturing of heat exchangers

    In the refrigeration industry, additive manufacturing (colloquially referred to as “3D printing”) makes it possible to fabricate novel, complex and potentially more energy efficient...

    • Last update : 2022/09/07
    • Langues : French, English
    • Themes : Evaporators, condensers and other heat exchangers
  • Cryogenic nitrogen in the food and beverage industry

    The adoption of cryogenic processes in the food and beverage industry is predominantly driven by liquid nitrogen (LIN), and it is the preferred candidate for food chilling and...

    • Last update : 2023/11/07
    • Langues : French, English
    • Themes : Freezing of foodstuffs
  • For IIR members only

    Heat pump stock in Europe

    This table presents the stock of installed heat pumps, the CO2 emissions avoided and the number of jobs in the heat pump sector in Europe.

    • Last update : 2021/12/14
    • Langues : English
    • Themes : Heat pumps, energy recovery: economics and statistics
  • Hydrocarbon refrigerants

    Hydrocarbons such as R290 (propane), R600a (isobutane) or R1270 (propene/propylene) are low GWP non-toxic natural refrigerants with excellent thermodynamic properties. They offer an...

    • Last update : 2022/06/22
    • Langues : French, English
    • Themes : Hydrocarbons, Containment, refrigerant charge reduction
  • Additive manufacturing of regenerators for caloric cooling

    In many areas of engineering, additive manufacturing allows the production of complex and multifunctional products that could not be manufactured using traditional methods. In the...

    • Last update : 2022/09/16
    • Langues : French, English
    • Themes : Caloric cooling (magnetocaloric, electrocaloric, elastocaloric and barocaloric cooling)
  • Nanorefrigerants

    Nanorefrigerants are created by adding nanoparticles in suspension to a base refrigerant. They have a thermal conductivity that is 15% to 104% higher than that of the corresponding...

    • Last update : 2022/06/17
    • Langues : English, French
    • Themes : Nanofluids
  • For IIR members only

    Global cold storage capacity

    This table presents the cold storage capacity in about 50 countries, based on data from the Global Cold Chain Alliance (GCCA).

    • Last update : 2021/12/06
    • Langues : English
    • Themes : Refrigerated storage: economics and statistics
  • Thermophysical properties of hydrocarbon refrigerants

    Thermophysical properties of over 20 hydrocarbon refrigerants, including single-component and blends.

    • Last update : 2022/06/17
    • Langues : English
    • Themes : Hydrocarbons, Blends
  • Thermophysical properties of HFO refrigerants

    Thermophysical properties of over 50 HFO refrigerants, including single-component and blends.

    • Last update : 2022/06/17
    • Langues : English
    • Themes : Blends, HFO et HCFO
  • Thermophysical properties of HFC refrigerants

    Thermophysical properties of over 100 HFC refrigerants, including single-component and blends.

    • Last update : 2022/06/17
    • Langues : English
    • Themes : HFCs, Blends, HFO et HCFO
  • Ice cream manufacturing, environmental impact and market data

    From a physico-chemical point of view, ice cream is a complex, frozen multiphase mixture. The manufacturing process includes several stages of freezing which are described in this...

    • Last update : 2023/06/30
    • Langues : French, English
    • Themes : Ice creams