Frozen earth: the once and future story of ice ages.
Author(s) : MACDOUGALL D.
Type of monograph: Book
The author explores the causes and effects of ice ages that have gripped our planet throughout its history, from the earliest known glaciation - nearly three billion years ago - to the present. Following the development of scientific ideas about these dramatic events, he traces the lives of many of the brilliant and intriguing characters who have contributed to the evolving understanding of how ice ages come about. Contents: ice, ice ages, and our planet's climate history; fire, water, and God; glaciers and fossil fish; the evidence; searching for the cause of ice ages; defrosting earth; the ice age cycles; our planet's icy past; coring for the details; ice ages, climate, and evolution; the last millennium; ice ages and the future.
- Original title: Frozen earth: the once and future story of ice ages.
- Record ID : 2005-1570
- Languages: English
- Subject: Environment, General information
- Publication: University of california press - United kingdom/United kingdom/United states/United states
- Publication date: 2004
- ISBN: 0520239229
- Source: Source: 267 p. (16 x 23.5); fig.; phot.; ref.; index; USD 24.95/GBP 15.95.
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
Global outlook for ice and snow.
- Author(s) : ONU Environnement (ex-PNUE)
- Date : 2007
- Languages : English
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- Author(s) : HAMBREY M., ALEAN J.
- Date : 1994
- Languages : English
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Cryosols. Permafrost-affected soils.
- Author(s) : KIMBLE J. M.
- Date : 2004
- Languages : English
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Global change: plankton cooled a greenhouse.
- Author(s) : SCHMITZ B.
- Date : 2000/09/14
- Languages : English
- Source: Nature - vol. 407 - n. 6801
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Weltklima im Wandel: Indizien der Vergangenheit...
- Author(s) : SCHÖNWIESE C. D.
- Date : 1998/11/18
- Languages : German
- Source: DKV-Tagungsbericht 25. 1998, Würzburg.
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