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  • A low charge direct expansion evaporator system configured to use less ammonia

    A US-based meat processor operates a cold storage facility that uses just 1 kg approx ammonia per kW.

    • Publication date : 2018/05/17
  • Use of ejectors for performance improvement in CO2 commercial refrigeration systems

    Expansion work recovery by means of a two-phase ejector is an attractive option for improving the efficiency of CO2 commercial refrigeration systems. Transcritical CO2 systems have relatively large throttling loss, meaning that they offer the...

    • Publication date : 2016/05/13
  • World's smallest electronic expansion valve

    Danfoss recently presented a small electronic expansion valve, especially used for air conditioners with variable refrigerant flow.

    • Publication date : 2020/07/01
  • Briefs: First MAC system using an ejector

    Denso Corporation has developed the world's first passenger mobile air-conditioning system that uses ejector technology. The ejector, which is a small refrigerant injector, was installed on the new Prius introduced by Toyota in May 2009. According...

    • Publication date : 2009/08/13
  • Secondary refrigerants strike back

    With the F-gas Regulation's stringent demands on fluorinated refrigerant leakage control, the use of secondary refrigerants such as ethylene glycol is coming into vogue. Recently, when opening a new Mexican food factory, Discovery Foods, a British...

    • Publication date : 2008/05/13
  • China: expanding electronic expansion valve market

    Electronic expansion valves are mainly used in inverter air conditioners to automatically adjust refrigerant flow to achieve better energy-saving performance. This technology is one of the 30 key energy-saving technologies promoted by the Chinese...

    • Publication date : 2011/06/08
  • CO2 heat pump with variable-displacement compressor/expander in the pipeline

    This CO2 heat pump will use oil-free variable-load compressor and variable expander technology, currently tested at Purdue University’s Herrick Laboratories.

    • Publication date : 2014/01/09
  • French supermarkets turn to ice slurries

    - Carrefour 's Collégien, France, hypermarket is using indirect refrigeration for over 6100 m 2 out of a total 15 000 m 2 surface area: CO 2 (in a 4-loop system) for temperatures below 0°C (refrigerating capacity: 232 kW) and ice slurries...

    • Publication date : 2005/02/11
  • CO2 applications: First commercial CO2 system in Latin America

    Last April Verdemar supermarket chain inaugurated its fifth store in the suburb of Jardim Canada, Nova Lima -Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is the first Latin American supermarket that uses carbon dioxide as a refrigerant. Its Skyrack Breeze, developed...

    • Publication date : 2011/02/07
  • 2005 AHR Expo Innovation award winners

    The winners of the third annual AHR (Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration) Expo Innovation awards will be honoured during a ceremony during the 2005 AHR Expo in Orlando, Florida, on February 8, 2005. The product entries were judged for...

    • Publication date : 2004/12/22
  • Compressors: key trends

    Over the past few years, the design and performance of rotary, reciprocating positive displacement and dynamic compressors have been greatly improved. CO2 compressors have conquered new niches and twin-screw compressors are now increasingly used...

    • Publication date : 2005/10/26
  • Intense competition for the next-generation MAC refrigerant

    Less than 3 years before the January 1, 2011 deadline for using fluorinated gases (F-gases) with a GWP higher than 150 in the new models of cars according to the European Directive 2006/40 on emissions from mobile air-conditioning (MAC) systems,...

    • Publication date : 2008/05/13
  • ICR2019: overview of current refrigeration research topics (part III)

    Energy storage, desiccant air conditioning, high-temperature heat pumps and ejector technologies were some of the salient topics of the latest IIR Congress. Continuation of the synthesis of key presentations of ICR2019.

    • Publication date : 2019/10/30
  • 2004 Climate Protection Award

    Since 1998, the Climate Protection Award is awarded by the US Environmental Protection Agency in recognition of achievements in protecting the Earth's climate. On April 13, 2004, this award was presented to 12 international individuals and...

    • Publication date : 2004/05/25
  • CO2 supermarkets: Tesco

    Designed as Tesco's first zero-carbon store, the new store at Ramsey, Cambridgeshire, UK, is completely HFC-free. The supermarket is hence using natural refrigerants CO2 and hydrocarbons throughout its refrigerators, freezers, heating, ventilation...

    • Publication date : 2010/05/27