Decision tool for emission reduction possibilities and measures.
Toetsingsinstrument voor emissiereductiemogelijkheden.
Author(s) : VERWOERD M.
Type of article: Article
To implement a framework of measures to reduce the emissions of CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs in the Netherlands, the Dutch Association of Refrigeration in cooperation with TNO developed a decision tool. The refrigeration sector is closely involved in the development of this tool. The ultimate goal is to get a package of measures for implementing reduction possibilities in a responsible way, in compliance with Dutch policy for reducing emissions of non-CO2 greenhouse gases. Based on the Dutch reference situation for the year 1999 (inventoried with a comprehensive investigation of the refrigerant flows) the potentials of three reduction possibilities are determined with the aid of the decision tool. During workshops, the involvement of the refrigeration sector in emission reduction policy has been achieved, and the most appropriate reduction possibilities have been suggested.
- Original title: Toetsingsinstrument voor emissiereductiemogelijkheden.
- Record ID : 2002-1218
- Languages: Dutch
- Subject: HFCs alternatives
- Source: Koude & Luchtbehandeling - vol. 94 - n. 11
- Publication date: 2001/11
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See other articles in this issue (3)
See the source
Containment, refrigerant charge reduction - Keywords: HCFC; CFC; Measurement; Reduction; Process; HFC; Leakage; Refrigerant
Mise à jour sur les techniques de détection de ...
- Author(s) : CLODIC D.
- Date : 2007/09/19
- Languages : French
- Source: Réglementation pour fluides frigorigènes : décret 2007-737 ; F-gas 842-2006. Colloque effet de serre VI.
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- Author(s) : SAKUI M.
- Date : 2011/09
- Languages : Japanese
- Source: Refrigeration - vol. 086 - n. 1007
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Method of test to determine the performance of ...
- Author(s) : ASHRAE
- Date : 2012
- Languages : English
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Maintenance et confinement : point de vue des u...
- Author(s) : DAZIN A.
- Date : 1997/11/05
- Languages : French
- Source: Froid et climatisation dans la distribution. Journées européennes du froid. Recueil des conférences.
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Post treatment of fluorinated refrigerants.
- Date : 2000
- Languages : English
- Source: Kelvin - n. 3-4
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