IIR document

Cryogenics : its Applications to Superconductivity

Cryogénie. Ses applications en supraconductivité

Author(s) : IIF-IIR

Type of monograph: Book


This document brings together various booklets on cryogenics and their applications published by the French journal "Techniques de l'Ingénieur". The purpose of the section on low temperature physical properties is to demonstrate that the behavior of fluids or materials at low temperature is quite different from that at ambient temperature. It is supplemented with a form including figures and tables with values. Extract of contents: data card on general cryogenics; physical properties (cryogenic fluids: materials; heat transfers); commissioning (refrigeration and liquefaction; cryogenic fluid storage and transfer; cryostats; cryopumping; producing temperatures lower than 1 K); superconductors (fundamental properties characterizing the superconducting state; superconductivity phenomenon; current transport in superconductors; conductors, superconductors and their technical environment; development and utilization of high temperature materials).

Available documents

Format Hard copy

Pages: 108


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    30 €

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    22,50 €

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  • Original title: Cryogénie. Ses applications en supraconductivité
  • Record ID : 1995-3971
  • Languages: French
  • Publication: Iif-iir - France/France
  • Publication date: 1995
  • ISBN: 2903633770
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.