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86 results
Cryoconservation of subtropical fruits using a hydrophyl cryoprotector.
[In Russian. / En russe.]
IIR document
Injectable cryogel microcarriers for cell transplantation and growth factor delivery.
Cryo-hanging drops: towards ready-to-use frozen biological samples for screening purposes in 96 well plate format.
Heat transfer research on food frozen by cryogenic liquid nitrogen.
[In Chinese. / En chinois.]
Recommended by the IIR
Influence of Two Different Cryoextraction Procedures on the Quality of Wine Produced from Muscat Grapes
Cryofreezing and cryofreezer: review.
Kryokonservierung und Langzeitlagerung von Nabelschnurblut.
Cryofreezing and long-term storage of umbilical cord blood.
Cryocongélation de denrées périssables au moyen de l'azote liquide comme frigorigène.
Cryofreezing of perishable products using liquid nitrogen as refrigerant.
Analysis of isochoric subcooling.
Cryopreservation processing and distribution of food: their history and further developments.
[In Japanese. / En japonais.]
Recent advancement in cryobiology. [Proceedings of the meetings of the] commission 6: Belgrade, Yugoslavia, May 31-June 3, 1961.
MELFI: ready 4 science.
Cryopreservation of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) spermatozoa: Effect of dilution ratio, foetal bovine serum supplementation, and cryoprotectants.
Specific cooling or freezing systems for medical treatment.
Special equipment for cryopreservation of tissue in a standard freezing unit.
Encyclopedia of Refrigeration
1 result
Cryogenic nitrogen in the food and beverage industry
The adoption of cryogenic processes in the food and beverage industry is predominantly driven by liquid nitrogen (LIN), and it is the preferred candidate for food chilling and...