Compte rendu de la conférence internationale "Postharvest Unlimited Downunder 2004" [sur la technologie après récolte].
Proceedings of the International Conference Postharvest Unlimited Downunder 2004.
Date : 2004.11.09 / 2004.11.12
Lieu : Sydney, Australie
This issue of "Acta Horticulturae" contains 64 papers presented at this Conference, co-sponsored by the IIR, held in Sydney (Australia). The theme for the Conference was "Postharvest technologies for the delivery of high quality horticultural products: implementation based on an understanding of the physiological and engineering requirements of produce". Extract from the table of contents: quality kinetics and modelling; physiology (influence of storage temperature and at-harvest maturity on incidence of chill-related disorders in kiwifruit; controlled atmosphere-induced internal browning in Pink Lady apples; chill out: chilling-related injuries in Navel oranges); measurement of quality attributes (development of a thermal conductivity system for food and packaging materials; effects of temperature on produce texture and water status: a model study on radish and carrots; using consumers to determine standards for Red Delicious apple edible quality); processing and process improvement novel washing methods to extend the quality and enhance the nutritional value of minimally-processed vegetable products); fresh-cut products: technological challenges; preharvest effects on postharvest (water loss of Conference pears during long-term controlled-atmosphere storage); technologies for storage and shelf-life extension (1-methylcyclopropene [MCP] based technologies for storage and shelf-life extension; quality of Thompson Seedless table grapes fumigated with CO2 + SO2 and methyl bromide; CaCl2 applications on storage quality of rambutan; 1-MCP controls superficial scald development and maintains apple quality during long-term storage); supply chain technology and assessment (traceability in fresh produce supply chains; temperature variances in a 12-m integral reefer container carrying plums under a dual-temperature shipping regime; distribution of temperature, relative humidity, and flow rate within a scaled container using unforced and forced airflows; characterisation of air flow in a commercial cool store using a carbon monoxide gas tracer technique; relative humidity control in refrigerated facilities); all theme areas (controlling chilling injury induction in citrus fruit; quality changes in green papaya shreds during low-oxygen storage; microbiological and sensory quality of green papaya shreds in controlled atmospheres; effect of harvest date in chilling-injury development of persimmon fruit).
- Titre original : Proceedings of the International Conference Postharvest Unlimited Downunder 2004.
- Organisateur : ISHS, TANNER D. J., DAY B. P. F.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 2006-0497
- Langues : Anglais
- Nombre de communications : 17
- Édition : Ishs (international society for horticultural science) - Australie/Australie/Belgique/Belgique
- ISSN : 05677572
- ISBN : 9066056983
- Type de conférence : Autre conférence (non IIF)
- Notes :
Proc. int. Conf. Postharvest Unltd. Downunder, Sydney/Acta Hortic.
- Document disponible en consultation à la bibliothèque du siège de l'IIF uniquement.
Voir les communications (17)
Voir la conférence
Thèmes :
Ingénierie alimentaire;
Qualité et sécurité alimentaires. Microbiologie.;
Traçabilité, métrologie;
Entrepôts frigorifiques spécialisés;
Légumes - Mots-clés : Conductivité thermique; Traitement après récolte; Culture; Atmosphère contrôlée; Chambre froide; Agrume; Microbiologie; Mesure; Transport; Altération; Température; Réfrigeration; Récolte; Qualité organoleptique; Qualité; Produit frais; Prêt à l'emploi; Physiologie; Modélisation; Maladie due au froid; Légume; Humidité relative; Fermeté; Entreposage frigorifique; Emballage; Conteneur; Fruit; Durée de conservation
Proceedings of the International Conference Pos...
- Organisateur : ISHS, NICOLAÏ B. M., BAERDEMAEKER J. de
- Date : 02/2003
- Langues : Anglais
Voir la fiche
Improving Postharvest Technologies of Fruits, V...
- Organisateur : IIF-IIR
- Date : 2000
- Langues : Anglais
- Formats : CD-Rom, PDF
Voir la fiche
Entreposage frigorifique des pommes et des poir...
- Auteurs : Ctifl, CHAPON J. F., WESTERCAMP P., et al.
- Date : 09/1996
- Langues : Français
Voir la fiche
Minimally processed fruits and vegetables: fund...
- Date : 2000
- Langues : Anglais
Voir la fiche
Fresh fruits and vegetables: quality and food s...
- Organisateur : Postharvest Biol. Technol.
- Date : 03/1999
- Langues : Anglais
Voir la fiche