CLASP Commercial refrigeration equipment: mapping and benchmarking.

Author(s) : WAIDE P., SLUIS S. van der, MICHINEAU T.

Type of monograph: Report


The report presents the findings of the CLASP mapping and benchmarking study on commercial refrigeration equipment (CRE) conducted by Waide Strategic Efficiency, Saint Trofee and Cemafroid. The focus of the study is centred on commercial reach-in coolers and on refrigerated vending machines. In the case of reach-in coolers it considers products such as refrigerated display cabinets and beverage coolers but does not address professional refrigerated service cabinets (i.e. the type of products which store but do not display merchandise). The scope of the study is confined to addressing the energy performance of the reach-in cooler cabinets (be they sold as integrated or remote cabinet types) and does not address the performance of the entire refrigeration system for remote cabinet types installed in situ.
The analyses in the study are conducted for nine target economies: Australia, Brazil, China, Europe, India, Japan, Mexico, South Africa (RSA) and the USA and also concern international test procedures.


  • Original title: CLASP Commercial refrigeration equipment: mapping and benchmarking.
  • Record ID : 30015943
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Figures, economy, Regulation
  • Publication: Waide strategic efficiency ltd - United kingdom/United kingdom
  • Publication date: 2014/01