Basic refrigeration.
Praktisk kuldeteknikk.
Author(s) : NYDAL R.
Type of monograph: Book
This handbook in refrigeration engineering is a Norwegian updated edition. It covers the main subjects of basic knowledge of the trade, is used in all levels in teaching refrigeration engineering, and is especially useful for those who have to learn the trade through private studies. This new edition updates the refrigerants being used today and uses symbols according to the CEN 1861 and ISO 31 standards. A preliminary version in English is available from Svenska Kyltekniska Föreningen.
- Original title: Praktisk kuldeteknikk.
- Record ID : 2005-0487
- Languages: Norwegian
- Subject: Regulation, General information
- Publication: Roald nydal - Norway/Norway
- Publication date: 2004
- ISBN: 8299690803
- Source: Source: ed. 4; 274 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; phot.; tabl.; NKR 280.
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
Refrigerants, secondary refrigerants: general information;
Refrigerating equipment: general information;
Thermodynamics, transfer processes: general information;
Air conditioning: general information;
Thermodynamics and changes of state;
Evaporators, condensers and other heat exchangers;
Refrigerant circulation: piping, control, automation, safety;
Refrigerants, secondary refrigerants: regulations and standards - Keywords: Valve (generic); Training; Thermodynamics; Standardization; Refrigeration; Refrigerating equipment; Generality; Calculation; Measurement; Lubrication; Automation; Diagram; Symbol; Commissioning; Refrigerating plant; Evaporator; Insulation; Refrigerant; Air conditioning; Condenser; Compressor
Praktisk kuldeteknikk./Käytännön kylmätekniikka...
- Author(s) : NYDAL R.
- Date : 1994
- Languages : Norwegian
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Praktisk kuldeteknikk./Käytännön kylmätekniikka...
- Author(s) : NYDAL R.
- Date : 2002
- Languages : Norwegian
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Fundamentals of refrigeration.
- Author(s) : ASHRAE, FENTON D. L.
- Date : 2000
- Languages : English
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Narchnik po harladilna tehnika.
- Author(s) : DITCHEV S. P.
- Date : 1997
- Languages : Bulgarian
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Etude des installations frigorifiques.
- Author(s) : CROISY J.
- Date : 2004
- Languages : French
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