Analysis of a cool roof system for reducing cooling loads and improving cooling system efficiency.
Number: pap. 842
Author(s) : PISELLO A. L., THIEMANN A., SANTAMOURIS M., et al.
This paper presents the results of an experimental campaign aimed at estimating the impact of an innovative cool roof system on thermal behavior and energy performance of an air-conditioned office area located within an industrial building in Rome, Italy. An experimental monitoring has been carried out during summer 2012 to assess both indoor and outdoor thermal conditions of the building and the heat-pump cooling system consumption data have been collected during the same period, both before and after the cool roof implementation. The continuous monitoring data has been coupled with infrared thermographies and in-field albedo measurements of the roof, to assess the cool roof performance also as retrofit strategy for such low performance, weakly insulated, roof structures, typical for Italian industrial architecture. Experimental results demonstrate the cool roof capability to decrease roof peak temperature up to 18°C, to maintain more stable indoor thermal conditions within the monitored office, and to reduce important thermal bridges produced by the roof structure dissimilarity. By collecting the cooling energy data both before and after the cool roof application, comparing equivalent weather conditions, an average 38% energy saving is found, produced by the cool roof passive cooling effect and by the fact that the heat pumps’ external units are located over the same cool roof, which suction air temperatures register an average decrease up to 4°C during the working day, for the considered case study.
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- Original title: Analysis of a cool roof system for reducing cooling loads and improving cooling system efficiency.
- Record ID : 30010003
- Languages: English
- Subject: Environment
- Source: Clima 2013. 11th REHVA World Congress and 8th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings.
- Publication date: 2013/06/16
See other articles from the proceedings (424)
See the conference proceedings
Comfort air conditioning;
Green buildings - Keywords: Office; Roof; Building; Passive cooling; Cooling; Expérimentation; Energy saving; Air conditioning
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