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  • Aerosol-free coooling tower

    Climespace, a subsidiary of Suez and Gaz de France that has developed Paris' ice water cooling system, has successfully tested a new system of aero-cooling towers, which eliminates aerosols, a major factor in the spread of legionella bacteria in...

    • Publication date : 2006/07/26
  • BOC Refrigerants acquire CARE®

    On January 31, 2005, BOC announced that it had completed a deal with Calor Gas Limited to purchase the company's CARE® range if environmentally sensitive refrigerants. The deal also includes Calor's UK aerosol propellants business and sales,...

    • Publication date : 2005/03/15
  • Latest figures on HFC impact on climate change

    EU reports that hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) emissions from refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) have decreased for the fourth consecutive year since 2014. On a global scale, the impact of HFCs on climate...

    • Publication date : 2020/09/04
    • Subjects: Environment
  • HFO-1234ze news

    On January 30, 2011, HFO-1234ze, was accepted for use in foam and aerosol applications by the US EPA. HFO-1234ze (GWP = 6) is already used in Europe and Japan in a variety of foam and aerosol applications.Klima-Therm and...

    • Publication date : 2011/06/08
  • European Union: F-gas figures

    The European Commission has published statistics on fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6) in the European Union, based on reports submitted by EU companies pursuant to the F-gas Regulation.

    • Publication date : 2012/03/05
    • Subjects: Figures, economy
  • Canada and Mexico HFC policy strategy

    During ATMOsphere America in Chicago in June 2016, Canadian and Mexican government representatives presented their HFC phase-down strategies.

    • Publication date : 2016/08/05
    • Subjects: Regulation, HFCs alternatives
  • Spray freeze-drying technique for the manufacturing of pharmaceutical products

    Some biopharmaceuticals such as vaccines have a short shelf life and must be handled with care. A recent literature review presents the spray freeze-drying technique as an interesting option for optimising the...

    • Publication date : 2020/12/14
    • Subjects: Technology
  • Waste heat recovery to eliminate the novel coronavirus in HVAC systems

    A recent study proposes a technique for eliminating SARS-CoV-2 from cleanroom HVAC systems using the recovered heat of exhaust air. The modified system could be easily implemented in...

    • Publication date : 2020/09/04
  • New cryogenic methods to control indoor air pollution

    The journal Science of the Total Environment will publish in February 2019 an article exploring the capacity of cryogenic technologies to tackle indoor air pollution.

    • Publication date : 2018/12/27
  • Canada proposes HFC phase-down plan.

    The Canadian government has published on November 2016 a proposal to phase-down its production and imports of HFCs.

    • Publication date : 2017/02/25
    • Subjects: Regulation, HFCs alternatives