Absorption heat pumps and chillers in Sweden: applications and market barriers.
The market for thermally activated heat pumps is rapidly growing in Sweden. The current status, potential and trends of absorption heat pumps in Sweden are presented. The economic constraints related to the investment costs together with energy prices, energy and environmental taxes, policies and governmental/utility subsidies are the strongest factors that affect the market penetration of absorption systems. Absorption heat pumps are estimated to upgrade about 170 MW waste heat. The highest market potential may come from the use of heat from district heating and cogeneration plants driving absorption cooling processes in summertime as well as industrial waste heat recovery.
- Original title: Absorption heat pumps and chillers in Sweden: applications and market barriers.
- Record ID : 2000-3164
- Languages: English
- Source: Deployment activities of heat pumping technologies. Workshop proceedings.
- Publication date: 1998/05/12
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See other articles from the proceedings (7)
See the conference proceedings
European utility perspective on heat pumps.
- Author(s) : PLOEG P. van der
- Date : 1998/06/17
- Languages : English
- Source: Heat pump systems for single-room applications. Workshop proceedings.
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- Languages : English
- Source: Deployment activities of heat pumping technologies. Workshop proceedings.
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- Author(s) : IWATSUBO T.
- Date : 1998/05/12
- Languages : English
- Source: Deployment activities of heat pumping technologies. Workshop proceedings.
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- Organiser : Purdue University, GROLL E. A. (ed.), BRAUN J. E. (ed.)
- Date : 2012/07/16
- Languages : English
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- Author(s) : ZHOU N., JIANG S., YI J., LI Z., XIAO Y.
- Date : 1997/10
- Languages : Chinese
- Source: HV & AC - vol. 27 - n. 117
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